Password Reward Held Item
3YT4BV7PH4UT Zarude Dada Hisui Rock
4BN3PR8SR9ED Hisuian Electrode Hisui Rock
1WX2KX7RA1HT Hisuian Arcanine Hisui Rock
6QW3ZY6EA1SQ Hisuian Zoroark Hisui Rock
4NV7CX6YX1SD Galarian Moltres Weakness Policy
9TA2WT6TW5AP Galarian Zapdos Choice Band
2XH4TC5JY4MG Galarian Articuno Choice Specs
5QZ5EJ3VQ5DK Galarian Weezing Rocky Helmet
6YY8NA7YC2EG Galarian Slowking Galarica Wreath
7QQ8PQ5DY7MK Galarian Slowbro Galarica Cuff
1CG6MD2DF2ZH Galarian Rapidash Kee Berry
5AN3UR6XX7TV Surfing Pikachu Light Ball
6UK9NZ5QY4EG Kommo-o Throat Spray
6KJ4SW2AG3QW Mega Mawile Mawilite
1YB5AJ7AK9RY Trevenant Sitrus Berry
7QW9UQ9PY1ZX Excadrill Focus Sash
9JG3YT3JQ9FX Volcarona Heavy Duty Boots
8SB5RF1FF3PX Kingdra Choice Specs
6BZ6CH3WD1CA Pangoro Choice Band
4DG1HH1AF8CQ Vikavolt Electric Seed
5NB9MQ9DU2FM Mega Lopunny Lopunnite
6PB5PJ1AV5ZE Gliscor Toxic Orb
1EN7GK6KR6ZP Mega Absol Absolite
6XU6EA9VH2DB Vileplume Leftovers
1YX5RA7UR9MF Eternal Floette Choice Specs
6ZT5ZX7RN4KK Mewtwo Mewtwonite-X
7HY9JN6EE5YY Genesect DNA Splicers
5GQ3CU5UZ7WS Marshadow N-Solarizer
4QP1SH1BN8JF Poipole Mewtwonite-Y
8VE4VF5PA4NH Meltan N-Lunarizer
7AX2WN9UN4BJ Sneasler Hisui Rock
3ER7BX8CA5WR Overqwil Hisui Rock
2RD9BP6PJ9UN Basculegion Hisui Rock
9TP9QX9QS8SY Enamorus Hisui Rock

How Mystery Gift Works

The Mystery Gift system in Pokémon Unbound is unlocked as soon as you beat the Pokémon League for the first time. When that’s done, you can go to any Pokémon Center in the game and climb the stairs to the second floor.

Climbing the stairs in a Pokémon Center
Climbing the stairs in a Pokémon Center.

Then approach the NPC in green clothes and reply with “yes” when asked if you want to enter a password to receive a mystery gift.

The green-clothed NPC
The NPC to speak with for mystery gift codes.

Enter any of the passwords listed in the table above to receive the reward Pokémon instantly. Every password can only be used once per save file.

There’s also a PC on this floor that you can use to make space in your party for Mystery Gift reward Pokémon.

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