All X Items and battle items can be purchased from the Dehara City Dept. Store on the 5th floor (5F). They’re available for sale by speaking with the merchant at the bottom of the counter here.

Below is a list of every battle item in Pokémon Unbound, along with each item’s in-game description and how much each item sells for at the Department Store.

Icon Item Price Description
X Attack P1000 Raises the Attack stat sharply of Pokémon in battle. Wears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn.
X Defense P2000 Raises the Defense stat sharply of Pokémon in battle. Wears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn.
X Sp. Atk P1000 Raises the Sp. Atk stat sharply of Pokémon in battle. Wears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn.
X Sp. Def P2000 Raises the Sp. Def stat sharply of Pokémon in battle. Wears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn.
X Speed P1000 Raises the Speed stat sharply of Pokémon in battle. Wears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn.
X Accuracy P2000 Raises the Accuracy stat sharply of Pokémon in battle. Wears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn.
Guard Spec. P1500 An item that prevents stat reduction among party Pokémon for five turns after use.
Dire Hit P1000 Raises the critical-hit ratio of Pokémon in battle. Wears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn.
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