# Method Repeatable
1 Route 14 – Hidden in a bush in the middle of the island situated at the center of the route (requires Surf) No
2 Victory Road – Poke Ball on the piece of land in the northwestern corner of 1F (requires Surf) No
2 Battle Frontier – Exchange for 32 Battle Points (BP) at the Exchange Service Counter (eastern side of building) Yes
3 Wild Held Item – Held by the following wild Pokemon:

  • Horsea (5% chance)
  • Seadra (5% chance)
  • Kingdra (5% chance)
  • Dragonair (5% chance)
7 Valley Cave Raid Den – Dropped by:

  • Noibat 3 star species (50% chance)
  • Noivern 4/5/6 star species (50% chance)

The easiest way of acquiring a Dragon Scale in Pokemon Unbound is through a Poke Ball in Route 14. You can do this as soon as you obtain HM03 Surf as this is required to reach the area containing the Dragon Scale.

Alternatively, you can also obtain Dragon Scales through several Pokemon encounters, hidden in Victory Road, or by exchanging at the Battle Frontier for 32 Battle Points.

Once-only Methods

Location #1 – Route 14

Start by flying to the Ruins of Void (Route 14) and then follow these steps to obtain the Dragon Scale:

Step 1: Surf in the water in front of you and head towards the bottom till you reach the small piece of land with the wooden sign.

Path to small island with sign / Pokémon Unbound
Path to small island with sign

Step 2: Head further south until you arrive at the small opening underneath a bridge.

Surfing to the bridge / Pokémon Unbound
Surfing to the bridge

Step 3: Surf through this opening and keep moving south. You’ll eventually be stopped by large boulders emerging from the water.

Path to large boulders / Pokémon Unbound
Path to large boulders

Step 4: The path splits into two here. Move towards the west where there’s a trainer swimming around.

Path to swimming trainer / Pokémon Unbound
Path to swimming trainer

Step 5: Hop back onto the piece of land hosting a staircase towards the north, next to the swimming trainer.

Coming back to land / Pokémon Unbound
Coming back to land

Step 6: Head to the eastern end of this area and climb the first set of stairs. A trainer roams in the grass here.

Path to stairs in the western end / Pokémon Unbound
Path to stairs

Step 7: The Dragon Scale is hidden in the bush here, next to the stairs.

Exact location of Dragon Scale hidden in the bush / Pokémon Unbound
Exact location of Dragon Scale hidden in the bush

Location #2 – Victory Road

Starting at the PokeCenter at Victory Road, follow these steps to obtain the Dragon Scale:

Step 1: Head to the northwestern end of the area till you reach the guard blocking your path.

Path to guard blocking the area / Pokémon Unbound
Path to guard blocking the area

Step 2: Move straight up from the guard. You must have access to all Gym Badges in order to do this. A trainer will block your path here.

Path leading to trainer / Pokémon Unbound
Path leading to trainer

Step 3: The path will split into two once you reach the wooden sign.

From here, continue on the trail heading towards the northwest. Another trainer guards the path here.

Path leading to second trainer / Pokémon Unbound
Path leading to second trainer

Step 4: Follow this path till the end to reach Victory Road.

Path leading to the entrance of Victory Road / Pokémon Unbound
Path leading to the entrance of Victory Road

Step 5: Once inside, cross both bridges at the northern end of the room and use the staircase on the west to go down.

Heading to the northern end of Victory Road 1F / Pokémon Unbound
Heading to the northern end of Victory Road 1F

Step 6: In this new room, use Surf on the body of water here and move to the left.

Surfing to the piece of land containing the PokeBall / Pokémon Unbound
Surfing to the piece of land containing the PokeBall

Step 7: The Dragon Scale is inside the Poke ball on the small piece of land here.

Exact location of the Dragon Scale / Pokémon Unbound
Exact location of the Dragon Scale

Repeatable Methods

Location Method Screenshot
Battle Frontier – Exchange Service Counter Exchange for 32 Battle Points (BP)
Pokemon Encounters – (Vivill Town, Gurun Town, Route 14, Route 15, Route 16, Route 17, Route 18, Ruins of Void, Antisis City, Seaport City) Held by wild Horsea (5% chance)
Pokemon Encounters – (Vivill Town, Gurun Town, Route 14, Route 15, Route 16, Route 17, Route 18, Ruins of Void, Antisis City, Seaport City) Held by wild Seadra (5% chance)
Pokemon Encounters – (Gurun Town, Ruins of Void) Held by wild Kingdra (5% chance)
Pokemon Encounters – (Crystal Peak) Held by wild Dragonair (5% chance)
Valley Cave – Raid Den Dropped by Noibat of 3 star species (50% chance)
Valley Cave – Raid Den Dropped by Noivern 4/5/6 star species (50% chance)


There is only one Pokemon that can evolve using a Dragon Scale in Pokemon Unbound.

Use a Dragon Scale on To evolve into
Seadra Kingdra
Back to: Evolution Items