This page lists the most popular or most sought-after Hold Items in Pokémon Unbound, along with their in-game descriptions and how to get them.

Please note that this page does not catalog every single Held Item in the game, because that information is not well documented anywhere. Instead, this page is a work in progress of the majority of held items that most players want to know about. We have also listed all of the location(s) for each that we know of, but there may be some locations that are missing or not accounted for.

Additionally, the locations in the table below primarily focus on repeatable ways to acquire these items. Many of these items can also be found as one-time items in the overworld, but we have not cataloged those locations here. For that you may want to search this wiki, or browse our location pages to look at the list of items found in each location.

Note: If you are looking for a list of all the Held Items that can be found on Wild Pokemon then we have a separate page for that.
Item Description Location(s)

Absorb Bulb
An item that boosts the Special Attack if hit with a Water-type attack once.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 16 BP.
  • Found east of Swimmer Sandra on Route 15.

Adrenaline Orb
An item that boosts the Speed of the holding Pokemon if the holder is intimidated.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 16 BP.
  • Potential drop in Route 4, 5, 7, Gurun Town, and Cube Corp. raids.

Air Balloon
The Pokemon who holds this item floats in the air until hit once. Once hit, this item will burst.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 32 BP.
  • Obtainable from Dehara Game Corner for 3,000 coins.
  • Potential drop in Route 11, 12, 17, Icicle Cave, Cinder Volcano, Valley Cave, Frost Mountain, and Crystal Peak raids.

Amulet Coin
An item that increases the battle’s prize money if the holding Pokemon joins in.
  • Obtained through the in-game trade in Blizzard City (Onix for Electrode).
  • Potential drop in the Route 18 den in the Persian raid.

Assault Vest
An item that raises the Special Defense but prevents the use of status moves.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 48 BP.
  • Obtainable in Antisis Port.

Big Root
An item that boosts the HP recovered from HP-stealing moves the user uses.
  • Found in Vivill Woods. Requires Surf.
  • 5% chance Lileep and Cradily may be holding one.

Binding Band
A band that increases the power of binding moves used by the holder.
  • Obtained from an Old Man in Dehara City if the player has seen over 250 Pokemon.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 32 BP.

Black Belt
A belt that boosts determination and the power of Fighting-type moves.
  • Hidden on Frost Mountain 1F, just south of Black Belt Aaron.
  • 5% chance Makuhita will be holding one.

Black Glasses
A shady-looking pair of glasses that boosts the power of Dark-type moves.
  • Found in the Shadow Base B1F, just southwest of the elevator.
  • 5% chance Sandile, Krokorok, or Krookodile will be holding one.

Black Sludge
Poison-type Pokemon holding this item regain HP while other types have damage inflicted on them.

Blunder Policy
An item that raises Speed when a Pokemon misses a move due to accuracy.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 32 BP.
  • Potential drop in the Route 8, 9, 12, Tarmigan Town, Gurun Town, and Cube Corp raid dens.

Bright Powder
An item that casts a tricky glare that lowers the opponent’s accuracy.
  • 5% chance wild Wurmple, Volbeat, or Illumise will be holding it.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 32 BP.

Cell Battery
An item that boosts Attack if hit by an Electric-type attack once.
  • 5% chance wild Plusle, Minun, or Charjabug will be holding it.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 16 BP.

A combustible fuel that boosts the power of Fire-type moves.
  • The free Tepig players can acquire from the house on Route 5 is holding it.
  • 5% chance wild Vulpix, Ninetales, Torkoal, or Turtonator will be holding it.

Choice Band
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It ups Attack but only allows the use of one move.
  • Can use the code “9TA2WT6TW5AP” to get a Galarian Zapdos holding it.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 48 BP.

Choice Scarf
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It ups Speed but only allows the use of one move.
  • Found on Crystal Peak 1F, in the room that leads to Cube Corp.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 48 BP.

Choice Specs
An item to be held by a Pokemon. It ups Special Attack but only allows the use of one move.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 48 BP.
  • Can use the code “1YX5RA7UR9MF” to get an Eternal Floette holding it.

Cleanse Tag
An item that repels wild Pokemon if the holder is first in the party.
  • Given by the Medium NPC in Redwood Village.
  • 5% chance wild Chingling or Chimecho will be holding it.

Damp Rock
An item that extends the duration of the move Rain Dance when used by the holder.
  • Found on Route 10 near School Kid Herman.
  • Can get it by mining using the ADM gear.

Destiny Knot
If the holder becomes infatuated then the opposing Pokemon will be too.
  • Acquired in the Seaport Breeding school.
  • Obtainable from the Dehara Game Corner.

Dragon Fang
A hard and sharp fang that boosts the power of Dragon-type moves. 5% chance wild Bagon, Shelgon, Salamence, or Druddigon will be holding it.

Eject Button
An item that makes the holder switch out of battle if hit by an attack.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 32 BP.
  • Hidden on route 14, north of Worker Lewis

Eject Pack
An item that makes the holder switch out of battle if its stats are lowered.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 32 BP.
  • Potential drop in Route 5, Crystal Peak, and Magnolia Fields raids.

Electric Seed
An item that boosts Defense on Electric Terrain but can only be used once.
  • 5% chance wild Togedemaru will be holding it.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 24 BP.

An item that prevents the holding Pokemon from evolving.
  • Given by an NPC in Fallshore after showing a Pokemon who can’t evolve.
  • 5% chance wild Geodude, Graveler, or Golem will be holding it. 10% chance for wild Roggenrola, Boldore, and Gigalith.

Expert Belt
A well-worn belt that boosts the power of super-effective moves.
  • 5% chance Throh or Sawk will be holding it.
  • Obtainable from Dehara Game Corner for 1,000 coins.

Flame Orb
A bizarre orb that inflicts burn on the holder in battle.
  • Found inside Valley Cave, south of Gentleman Thomas.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 16 BP.

Float Stone
This item reduces the weight of a Pokemon when held.
  • Found near the Thundercap Mountain near Antisis City, close to Black Belt Kentaro.

Focus Band
The Pokemon holding this item may endure an attack, leaving just one HP.
  • Hidden inside Valley Cave, southwest of Gentleman Thomas, just east of the ladder.
  • 5% chance Machop, Machoke, or Machamp will be holding it.

Focus Sash
An item that lets the holder endure a KO attack with 1 HP if the holder has full HP.
  • Found inside a pile of sand on Route 18, next to the fisherman NPC.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 32 BP.

Full Incense
An item that makes the holder bloated and slow-moving.
  • Acquired from Frost Mountain 1F.
  • Can be bought from the Dehara Department Store 6F in post-game.

Grassy Seed
An item that boosts Defense on Grassy Terrain but can only be used once.
  • 50% chance Tsareena will be holding it. 5% for Bounsweet and Steenee.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 24 BP.

Grip Claw
An item that extends the duration of multi-turn attacks like Bind and Wrap.
  • 50% chance wild Sneasel and Weavile will be holding it. 5% for Sandshrew and Sandslash.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 32 BP.

Hard Stone
An unbreakable stone that boosts the power of Rock-type moves.
  • Can get them by smashing rocks in the Great Desert.
  • Can get them by digging in the KBT Expressway.

Heat Rock
An item that extends the duration of the move Sunny Day when used by the holder.

Heavy-Duty Boots
Boots that prevent the effects of traps set on the battlefield.
  • Found in Cootes Bog, northeast of Ranger Betty.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 48 BP.

Icy Rock
An item that extends the duration of the move Hail when used by the holder.
  • Found on Route 8, northeast of the ice puzzles
  • Can be mined using the ADM Gear.

Iron Ball
An item that cuts speed and allows Ground-type moves to hit Flying and levitating Pokemon.
  • Fairly common to find Iron Balls while digging in Crystal Peak.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 16 BP.

King’s Rock
An item that may cause the foe to flinch upon taking damage.
  • Found in Cootes Bog, south of Crystal Peak entrance.
  • 5% chance wild Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Slowbro, Politoed, Slowking, Hariyama, or Hawlucha will be holding it.

Lagging Tail
A tremendously heavy item that makes the holder move slower than usual. 5% chance wild Slowpoke, Lickitung, Lickilicky, Cufant, or Copperajah will be holding it.

Lax Incense
An item that slightly reduces the foe’s accuracy.
  • Acquired near the Ice Puzzle on Route 8.
  • Can be bought from the Dehara Department Store 6F in post-game.

An item that lets the holding Pokemon gradually regain HP during battle.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 48 BP.
  • Obtainable from Dehara Game Corner for 5,000 coins.
  • Small chance (1%) to find leftovers by interacting with trash cans in buildings.

Life Orb
An item that boosts the power of moves at the cost of some HP on each hit.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 48 BP.
  • Obtainable from Dehara Game Corner for 7,500 coins.

Light Ball
An orb to be held by Pikachu that boosts the attacking stats.
  • Can use the code “5AN3UR6XX7TV” to get a Surfing Pikachu holding it.
  • 5% chance wild Pikachu will be holding it.

Light Clay
A hold item that extends the duration of moves like Reflect and Light Screen when used by the holder.
  • 5% chance wild Baltoy, Claydol, Golett, Golurk, Mudbray, or Mudsdale will be holding it.
  • Can use the code “8BR8JN3MU6YQ” to get a Gigantamax Lapras holding it.

Luck Incense
An item that increases the battle’s prize money if the holding Pokemon joins in.
  • Acquired from a girl in the Redwood Village Pokemon Center for showing a Pokemon holding Charcoal.
  • Can be bought from the Dehara Department Store 6F in post-game.

Lucky Egg
An item that lets the holding Pokemon earn extra Experience Points in battle. 5% chance wild Chansey, Pelipper, or Happiny will be holding it, and a 50% chance for wild Blissey.

Luminous Moss
An item that boosts Special Defense if hit with a Water-type attack once.
  • 5% chance wild Corsola will be holding it.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 16 BP.

Macho Brace
An item that promotes strong growth but lowers speed while it’s held. Given to you by the Karate Master NPC on Route 10.

A powerful magnet that boosts the power of Electric-type moves.
  • Found inside of the Dehara Gym.
  • 5% chance wild Nosepass or Probopass will be holding it.

Mental Herb
An item that snaps the user out of infatuation. It can only be used once.
  • Hidden on Route 12, north of Psychic Johan.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 24 BP.

Metal Coat
A special metallic film that boosts the power of Steel-type moves.
  • 5% chance wild Magnemite, Magneton, Steelix, Skarmory, Mawile, Beldum, Metang, Metagross, Bronzor, Bronzong, or Magnezone will be holding it.
  • Found inside the smashable rocks near the ladder on Thundercap Mountain 3F.

An item that boosts moves that are used consecutively until a different move is used. Obtainable from Dehara Game Corner for 1,000 coins.

Miracle Seed
A seed imbued with life that boosts the power of Grass-type moves. 5% chance wild Cherrim, Cherubi, Maractus, Fomantis, or Lurantis will be holding it. 50% chance for Pumpkaboo Xl and Gourgeist Xl.

Misty Seed
An item that boosts Defense on Misty Terrain but can only be used once.
  • 5% chance a wild Comfey will be holding it.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 24 BP.

Muscle Band
A headband that slightly boosts the power of physical moves.
  • Found on Route 10, near Camper Chris.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 32 BP.

Mystic Water
A teardrop-shaped gem that boosts the power of Water-type moves. 5% chance Goldeen, Seaking, Dewpider, or Araquanid will be holding it. 50% chance for Lapras and Castform.

Never-Melt Ice
A piece of ice that repels heat and boosts the power of Ice-type moves.
  • Found in Icicle Cave 3F behind smashable rocks.
  • 5% chance wild Dewgong, Piloswine, Glalie, Snover, Abomasnow, Vanillite, Vanillish, or Cryogonal. 50% for Vanilluxe.

Odd Incense
An item that slightly boosts the power of Psychic-type moves.
  • Acquired in Ruins of Void B1F.
  • Can be bought from the Dehara Department Store 6F in post-game.

Poison Barb
A small, poisonous barb that boosts the power of Poison-type moves.
  • Found south of the South Antisis Sewers entrance.
  • 5% chance wild Beedrill, Arbok, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Qwilfish, Roselia, Budew, Roserade, Vespiquen, Skorupi, Drapion, Venipede, Whirlipede, Scolipede, Mareanie, and Toxapex will be holding it.

Power Anklet
An item that cuts the Speed of the holding Pokemon but allows their Speed to grow more. Obtained after completing the “We Were Meant to Fly” side mission.

Power Band
An item that cuts the Speed of the holding Pokemon but allows their Special Defense to grow more. Reward for completing the “Pyukumuku Chucker” side mission.

Power Belt
An item that cuts the Speed of the holding Pokemon but allows their Defense to grow more. Reward for completing the “Abandonment Issues” side mission.

Power Bracer
An item that cuts the Speed of the holding Pokemon but allows their Attack to grow more. Reward for completing the “A Minor Scrap” side mission.

Power Herb
A single-use item that allows a charging move to be used on the first turn.
  • Potential drops in Route 5, 14, Victory Road, and Underwater raids.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 24 BP.

Power Lens
An item that cuts the Speed of the holding Pokemon but allows their Special Attack to grow more. Obtained in the Vivill Warehouse B5F. In the room players fight Aklove.

Power Weight
An item that cuts the Speed of the holding Pokemon but allows their Maximum HP to grow more. Reward for completing “The Rogue Electivire” side mission.

Protective Pads
An item that protects the holder from effects caused by making contact with the enemy.
  • Found near the Dehara City entrance. Requires Rock Climb.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 48 BP.

Psychic Seed
An item that boosts Defense on Psychic Terrain but can only be used once.
  • 5% chance wild Exeggcute, Dottler, or Orbeetle will be holding it.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 24 BP.

Pure Incense
An item that helps keep wild Pokemon way if the holder is the first in the party.
  • Acquired from a girl in front of the Vivill Town Pokemon Center.
  • Can be bought from the Dehara Department Store 6F in post-game.

Quick Claw
A light and sharp claw. The user may be able to strike first when holding this. 5% chance wild Meowth, Persian, Sneasel, Zangoose, Weavile, Alolan Meowth, or Alolan Persian will be holding it.

Razor Claw
This sharply hooked claw increases the holder’s critical hit ratio.
  • 5% chance wild Jangmo-o or Hakamo-o will be holding it and 50% chance for wild Kommo-o.
  • Potential drops in Route 12, Valley Cave, Gurun Town raids.

Razor Fang
This item may cause the foe to flinch if the holder inflicts damage.
  • Found inside Valley Cave, south of Ranger Nicolas.
  • 5% chance wild Bruxish will be holding it.

Red Card
If the holder is hit by an attack then the attacker is removed from battle. Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 32 BP.

Ring Target
Moves that normally have no effect will land on a Pokemon holding this item.
  • Found under the middle rock on Route 2’s beach area.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 16 BP.

Rock Incense
An item that slightly boosts the power of Rock-type moves.
  • Acquired near Regirock’s tomb in the Great Desert.
  • Can be bought from the Dehara Department Store 6F in post-game.

Rocky Helmet
If the Pokemon holding this item is hit, the attacker will also be damaged upon contact.
  • Given by the NPC inside the house next to the Epidimy Town KBT Expressway entrance.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 48 BP.

Room Service
An item that lowers the holder’s speed when Trick Room takes effect. Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 24 BP.

Rose Incense
An item that slightly boosts the power of Grass-type moves.
  • Acquired on Route 2.
  • Can be bought from the Dehara Department Store 6F in post-game.

Scope Lens
A lens that boosts the critical-hit ratio of the holding Pokemon.
  • Found inside Valley Cave, south of Ranger Nicolas and behind smashable rocks.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 48 BP.

Sea Incense
An item that slightly boosts the power of Water-type moves. Bought from the Dehara Department Store 6F in post-game.

Sharp Beak
A long, sharp beak that boosts the power of Flying-type moves.
  • Given by the NPC west of the Blizzard City Pokemon Mart.
  • 5% chance wild Spearow, Fearow, Doduo, or Dodrio will be holding it.

Shed Shell
This carapace enabled the holder to switch out of battle without fail.
  • Found west of the Fallshore City KBT Expressway entrance.
  • 5% chance wild Venomoth, Beautifly, Dustox, Seviper, Scrafty, Scraggy, Goomy, or Sliggoo will be holding it.

Shell Bell
An item that lets the holding Pokemon regain some health when striking the foe. Obtained by trading sea salts and sea shells with the NPC in the Seaport City Warehouse.

Silk Scarf
A sumptuous scarf that boosts the power of Normal-type moves.
  • Found behind the house west of Fallshore City’s KBT Expressway entrance. Requires Surf and Waterfall.
  • Obtainable from Dehara Game Corner for 1,000 coins.

Silver Powder
A shiny silver powder that boosts the power of Bug-type moves. 5% chance wild Butterfree, Masquerain, Wormadam, Mothim, Wormadam Sandy, or Wormadam Trash will be holding it. 5% chance for Volcarona.

Smoke Ball
A held item that lets the holding Pokemon flee from any wild Pokemon for sure. 5% chance wild Koffing, Weezing, Salandit, Salazzle, or Galarian Koffing will hold it. 50% for Spiritomb.

Smooth Rock
An item that extends the duration of the move Sandstorm when used by the holder.
  • Found in the Great Desert, north of Roughneck Cameron.
  • Can be mined using the ADM Gear.

An item that boosts Attack if hit by an Ice-type attack once.
  • Found in the southwest corner of Frozen Forest.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 16 BP.

Soft Sand
A loose, silky sand that boosts the power of Ground-type moves.
  • Found in pile of sand next to Black Belt Daisuke.
  • 5% chance wild Diglett, Dugtrio, Nincada, Trapinch, Stunfisk, Alolan Diglett, or Alolan Dugtrio will be holding it.

Soothe Bell
A bell with a comforting chime. Makes the holder calm and friendly.
  • Show the blonde NPC south of the Dresco Town Gym a Pokemon that evolves by friendship.
  • Given by a blonde lady in Dresco Town.

Spell Tag
A sinister and eerie tag that boosts the power of Ghost-type moves. 5% chance wild Haunter, Gengar, Misdreavus, Duskull, Dusclops, Shuppet, Banette, Dusknoir, Yamask, Cofagrigus, or Sandygast, Palossand will be holding it.

Sticky Barb
A held item that damaged the holder every turn and latches on to any Pokemon that touch it. 5% chance wild Cacnea, Cacturne, Ferroseed, or Ferrothorn will be holding it.

Terrain Extender
An item that extends the terrain duration of the holder’s move or ability.
  • Found east of the Chansey on Route 17. Requires Rock Climb.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 24 BP.

Toxic Orb
A bizarre orb that badly poisons the holder in battle.
  • Found west of Black Belt Hitoshi in Valley Cave.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 16 BP.

Twisted Spoon
A spoon imbued with telekinetic energy that boosts the power of Psychic-type moves.
  • Found in a pile of sand next to Psychic Preston.
  • 5% chance wild Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, or Mega Alakazam will be holding it.

Utility Parasol
A sturdy umbrella that protects the holder from sun, rain, and fog.
  • Found in the southwest corner of Thundercap Mountain 5F.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 32 BP.

Wave Incense
An item that slightly boosts the power of Water-type moves.
  • Obtainable on Route 14.
  • Can be bought from the Dehara Department Store 6F in post-game.

Weakness Policy
The Attack and Special Attack of the Pokemon holding this item increases if hit by a super effective move.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 32 BP.
  • Obtainable from Dehara Game Corner for 10,000 coins.

White Herb
A held item that restores any lowered stat in battle. It can only be used once.
  • Found on Frost Mountain 2F, north of Hiker Eric.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 24 BP.

Wide Lens
A magnifying lens that boosts the accuracy of moves for the Pokemon holding it.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 48 BP.
  • Obtainable from Dehara Game Corner for 1,000 coins.

Wise Glasses
A thick pair of glasses that slightly boosts the power of special moves.
  • Found in the southwest corner of the Icicle Cave slippery ice area after taking the bottom ladder on second floor.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 32 BP.

Zoom Lens
If the holder moves after the foe then its accuracy will be boosted.
  • Purchasable from the Battle Tower’s middle counter for 48 BP.
  • Obtainable from Dehara Game Corner for 1,000 coins.
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