There are many hidden items in Borrius, found inside rocks, crates, walls, and other strange places that might be easy to miss at first. This list curates every hidden item in the entire game, organized based on location.

You can also click any screenshot in any of the tables below to see a full-size version of the image.

Route 1

Item Directions Screenshot
Oran Berry Just north of the Icicle Cave entrance at the southern point of the route, hidden in a rock

Icicle Cave

Item Directions Screenshot
Great Ball 3F, near the Black Belt east of the Chansey and the 2F ladder, in an ice rock
Chesto Berry 2F, east of the Youngster in the southeast part of the cavern, in an ice rock
Ice Stone 1F, northwest corner, in an ice rock
Blue Shard 1F, central south area near the exit to the balcony, in an ice rock
Big Pearl B1F, exact centre of the ice field, in a tall ice rock

Route 2

Item Directions Screenshot
Ring Target Just north of the Icicle Cave entrance at the southern point of the route, hidden in a rock

Dresco Town

Item Directions Screenshot
Rare Candy On the southwest side of town, east of Arthur and Jax’s house, in a tall bush
Lemonade West of town, along the north fence line near the entrance to Grimm Woods, hidden in a rock

Route 3

Item Directions Screenshot
Rare Candy On the southwest side of town, east of Arthur and Jax’ house, in a tall bush
Deep Sea Scale East side of the route on a small island, hidden in sand
Deep Sea Tooth West side of the route on a small island with a Fisherman, hidden in sand

Grim Woods

Item Directions Screenshot
Nest Ball Northeast corner of the route, hidden in a log
Super Repel West of the Route 4 East exit, hidden in a log
Tiny Mushroom North edge of the route, east of the pond, hidden in mushrooms

Route 4 East

Item Directions Screenshot
Persim Berry Just west of the Grim Woods entrance, in the long grass, hidden in a bush

Cinder Volcano

Item Directions Screenshot
Rawst Berry 1F East Side, just south of the 2F ladder, in a rock
Revive 2F East Side, north of the Collector near the bridge to the 3F ladder, hidden in a rock
Lava Cookie 2F West Side, northeast of the Hiker on the west side of the route, hidden in a rock
Red Shard 2F West Side, southwest part of the cavern, inside a tall rock
Sun Stone 2F West Side, south of the tablet, inside a rock
Sun Stone 3F East Side, on the southern bank of the west lake, inside a rock
Iron 4F East Side, northeast island, north of the ladder to the alternate ledge of 3F East, inside a rock
Ether 4F West Side, northwest of the ladder down to 3F West, inside a rock

Route 4 West

Item Directions Screenshot
Super Repel West side of the river, in the long grass west of the Volcano Shadow Base entrance, inside a bush
PP Max Top of the main waterfall, empty space
Full Restore Down the middle waterfall, on the west bank, in a rock
Starf Berry Down the middle waterfall, on the east bank, hidden in an empty space

Route 5

Item Directions Screenshot
Fresh Water At the crossroads west of the Beauty, inside a puddle
Moon Stone Inside the passage to the raid den, hidden near the corner of the trees

Crater Town

Item Directions Screenshot
Stardust Northeast corner of Crater Town, in a rock
Stardust East side, upper level of Crater Town near the Beauty, in a rock
Stardust East side, middle layer of Crater Town near the PokeMart, in a rock
Star Piece Northwest corner, near KBT Expressway entrance, in a rock

Valley Cave

Item Directions Screenshot
Focus Band B1F, near the ladder up to the exit, hidden in an empty space

Route 6

Item Directions Screenshot
Sun Stone Near Camper Ricky, in a dirt patch
Cheri Berry Across the right bridge from Ricky, in a bush
Pecha Berry West side of the route, in a bare spot in long grass

Route 7

Item Directions Screenshot
Dawn Stone Southwest side of the route and the big central mountain, hidden in a rock
Protein Northern slope of the central mountain, hidden in a rock
Shiny Stone B1F, near the ladder up to the exit, hidden in an empty space
Figy Berry East of the Fisherman’s house, hidden in a bush

Frost Mountain

Item Directions Screenshot
Dusk Stone 1F, near the Painter, in a rock
Black Belt 1F, below the Black Belt trainer underneath the bridge, in a tall rock
Revive 2F, directly in front of the small stairs up to the exit, hidden in empty space

Route 8

Item Directions Screenshot
Blue Shard Far north of the Frost Mountain exit, the northwest corner of the lower section of the route, in a rock
X Defense West of the Black Belt in the center of the route, in a rock
Lax Incense Top left corner of the grass field near Hiker Brice
Nugget Southeast of the iced-over pond in the southeast corner of the route, in a rock
Ether In the northeast section of the route, near the wooden bridges, in a rock
Mago Berry North section of the route in long grass, in an empty patch

Frozen Forest

Item Directions Screenshot
Aguav Berry North part of the route in long grass, in a bare patch

Fallshore City

Item Directions Screenshot
Full Heal Inside the southwest stall of Fallshore Market
Fast Ball East of the KBT Expressway entrance, hidden in a rock
Shed Shell West of the KBT Expressway entrance
Berry Juice In the Evolution House, hidden in the fridge

Epidimy Town

Item Directions Screenshot
Nugget Behind the house next to the Poke Mart in the northwest part of town
PP Up South of the house with no door, on the dirt path, hidden in empty space
Nest Ball Northeast corner of town, west of the Pokemon Center, hidden between two benches

Route 10

Item Directions Screenshot
Psychic Seed South of the west end of the bridge, hidden in empty space on the cliff outcrop
Green Shard South of the stepping stones, hidden in a rock

Underground Pass

Item Directions Screenshot

X Attack
X Defend
X Speed
X Accuracy
X Sp. Attack
X Sp. Defense
Dire Hit
Parlyz Heal
Ice Heal
Burn Heal
Hyper Potion
Guard Spec
Use the Dowsing Machine in the tunnel to pick up all of the items scattered across the floor

Route 9

Item Directions Screenshot
Net Ball In the clearing just before Route 9 proper, hidden in a rock
Grassy Seed North side of the route near the Route 7 entrance, hidden in a grass patch
Wiki Berry Southeast bank of the lake in long grass, hidden in an empty patch
X Sp. Atk East of the route, on the road to Tehl Town, hidden in a rock

Thundercap Mountain

Item Directions Screenshot
Star Piece 2F Main Chamber, east side of the chamber, southeast of the Battle Girl platform, hidden in a rock
Dusk Stone 2F Main Chamber, In the middle of the chamber near the Strength boulder, hidden in a rock
Revive 3F Main Chamber, central island, hidden in a rock
Parlyz Heal 3F Tablet Chamber, west side in the boulder puzzle, smash a rock
Nugget 4F Maze Chamber, east side, hidden in a rock
Timer Ball 4F Maze Chamber, southwest corridor corner, hidden in a rock
HP Up 2F Northwest Chamber, southmost corner, hidden in a rock
Metal Powder 3F Northwest Chamber, on an island, hidden in a rock

Cliff Cave and Upper Route 11

Item Directions Screenshot
Rare Bone Northwest in the Cliff Cave interior, hidden in empty space
Yellow Shard East of the Cliff Cave exit on Upper Route 11, hidden in a rock
Ultra Ball South of the long grass section, hidden in a rock
Rare Candy In the middle of the long grass section, hidden in empty space
Electric Seed Up a rock climb wall on the exterior mountain, hidden in empty space

Route 12

Item Directions Screenshot
Max Repel Near the route sign at the Tarmigan Town side, hidden in empty space
Revive South of the Worker in the south central part of the route, hidden in a flower
Mental Herb North end of the route, hidden in a flower
X Sp. Def Right near the Dehara City entrance, hidden in a rock

Dehara City

Item Directions Screenshot
Protect Pads In the entrance area, up a cliff, hidden in a rock

Ruins of Void

Item Directions Screenshot
Dusk Ball B3F maze, hidden in a corner
Full Heal B2F, hidden in a pebble
Nugget B1F, hidden in a pebble
Zinc Final Chamber, hidden in a pebble
Red Shard Submerged Floor, southwest corner, hidden in coral
Blue Shard Submerged Floor, first of the north chambers, hidden in coral
Yellow Shard Submerged Floor, second of the north chambers, hidden in a rock
Green Shard Submerged Floor, third of the north chambers, hidden in a rock
Green Shard Submerged Floor, east part of the main passage, hidden in a rock

Cinder Volcano Depths

Item Directions Screenshot
X Attack 1F, in the northwest tall rock
Red Shard B1F, east side of main chamber, hidden in a rock
Max Revive B1F, near B2F ladder, in a tall rock
Occa Berry B2F, southwest corner, in a rock
Dire Hit B2F, northwest corner, in a rock
Ultra Ball B2F, northeast corner, in a rock

Shadow Base

Item Directions Screenshot
Repel 1F, western section, hidden in a box
Pearl B1F, central hallway, in a pot plant
Calcium B1F, northeast room, hidden in a box
Dusk Ball B1F, east hallway, hidden in a box

Route 13

Item Directions Screenshot
HP Up Northern island, hidden in the sand
Dive Ball Northern island, hidden in a rock
Stardust North part of the big island, hidden in a rock
Max Ether Middle part of the big island, hidden in sand
Stardust South part of the big island, hidden in a rock
Water Stone Southwest part of the route, rock in water
Big Pearl On the rocky island near the Ocean Master, hidden in open space

Route 14

Item Directions Screenshot
Hyper Potion On the S island north bend, hidden in sand
Rare Candy On the S island middle bend, hidden in a rock
Zinc On the S island southeast bend, hidden in sand
Dragon Scale On the big grass island, hidden in a bush
Eject Button On the land bridge at the west part of the route, hidden in a flower
Blue Shard Northern Dive spot, northeast section, hidden in a rock
Yellow Shard Northern Dive spot, southwest section, hidden in coral
Green Shard Northern Dive spot, southwest section, hidden in fragments
Red Shard Northwest Dive spot, in rock near surface spot
Blue Shard Northwest Dive spot, northwest corner, in blue shells
Yellow Shard Northwest Dive spot, southeast corner, in coral
Green Shard West Dive spot, just south of the surface entrance, in a rock
Red Shard West Dive spot, east of the section, in a rock
Blue Shard West Dive spot, Nihilego portal chamber, in the left rock

Auburn Waterway

Item Directions Screenshot
Misty Seed On the small island in the northwest part of the waterway, in the middle tile

Lost Tunnel

Item Directions Screenshot
Luminous Moss At the far end of the tunnel that leads south and west from the Chansey, hidden in a rock

Great Desert

Item Directions Screenshot
Max Revive Northeast side of Tomb of Borrius entrance, hidden in the space below a rock
Yellow Shard Northwest sands, in the sand
Rare Bone North end of the desert, in bones
Rare Bone Northeast end of the desert, in bones
Rare Candy Northeast sands, In the middle of the Pokeball sand shape
Yellow Shard East corner of the central canyon, in empty space
Iron West of the central canyon, below a rock in empty space
Yellow Shard East of the central canyon, in empty space
Max Repel Southeast end of the desert, in bones
Carbos South of the route sign near the Gurun Town entrance, in empty sand

Gurun Town

Item Directions Screenshot
Charti Berry West of the Vivill Woods entrance, in empty space

Vivill Woods

Item Directions Screenshot
Big Mushroom North bank of the eastern pond, hidden in mushrooms
Tiny Mushroom North bank of the northwest pond, hidden in mushrooms
Big Mushroom Northeast corner of the woods, hidden in mushrooms

Vivill Warehouse

Item Directions Screenshot
Fairy Gem B3F main warehouse floor, hidden in a box
PP Up B1F west storage room, hidden in a box
Gardevoirite B2F northeast corner storage room, hidden in an empty space below a box

Route 16

Item Directions Screenshot
Rare Candy East side of the route, hidden in a rock
Max Potion Southwest corner of the route, in empty space
Blue Shard Dive spot, just north of the surface entrance, in coral

Antisis Port

Item Directions Screenshot
(gate opens 12pm)
Inside the closed port area, gate opens 12pm every day, inside a crate

Antisis Sewers

Item Directions Screenshot
Poison Gem Below the bridge in the south part of the north sewer area, hidden in empty space
Nugget North sewer channel in the north area, hidden in empty space

Icy Hole

Item Directions Screenshot
Bright Powder B1F, southwest corner, hidden in a rock

Thundercap Antisis Side

Item Directions Screenshot
Heart Scale Northwest corner, hidden in empty space

Route 17

Item Directions Screenshot
Prism Scale Between the first and second islands, under the bridge, hidden in a rock
Lum Berry On the east side of the route, hidden in a bush
Yellow Shard Dive spot, second chamber, hidden in a rock
Blue Shard Dive spot, third chamber, hidden in fragments
Green Shard Dive spot, fourth chamber, hidden in a rock
Green Shard Dive spot, passage between third and fourth chambers, hidden in a rock
Yellow Shard Dive spot, passage between fifth and sixth chambers, hidden in coral
Red Shard Dive spot, sixth chamber, hidden in a rock
Blue Shard Dive spot, sixth chamber, hidden in fragments
Red Shard Dive spot, passage between first and third chambers, in fragments
Yellow Shard Dive spot, passage between first and third chambers, hidden in a rock

Seaport City

Item Directions Screenshot
TM12 Taunt Behind the Poke Mart, hidden from view
Slowbronite On the small island off the southwest beach, hidden in the middle of the sand
Max Revive East side of the Seaport Market, hidden in a pot
Dive Ball Seaport docks, west of the ferry to Polder, hidden in a pot
Full Heal Seaport docks, south pier, hidden in a box

Seaport East Warehouse

Item Directions Screenshot
Dubious Disc Southeast corner of the warehouse, hidden in a box

Polder Town

Item Directions Screenshot
Tiny Mushroom West of the northeast pond near Cootes Bog entrance, hidden in mushrooms

Cootes Bog

Item Directions Screenshot
Big Mushroom North of the long pond in the center of the route, hidden in mushrooms
Big Mushroom South bank of the northwest pond, hidden in mushrooms
Tiny Mushroom Southeast corner, hidden in mushrooms

Magnolia Town

Item Directions Screenshot
Rare Bone Inside the Miltank pen, hidden in flowers

Crystal Peak

Item Directions Screenshot
Coba Berry 1F, southeast corner, near some small pebbles
Full Restore Exterior of Crystal Peak, hidden in a rock
Escape Rope Exterior of Crystal Peak, next to the 3F entrance, hidden in a rock
Green Shard Summit, west side of the Ultimate Weapon, hidden in open space
Fighting Gem B1F main chamber, in the big yellow question
Alorichium Z Cube Corp. entrance chamber, after removing blue crystals, hidden in open space

Magnolia Fields

Item Directions Screenshot
Heart Scale Southwest corner in the woods, hidden in trees
Max Repel East central part of the route, hidden in between trees
Elixir West slope of the central rocky outcrop, hidden in empty space nestled between rocks
Rare Candy South part of the eastern shore section, hidden in trees
TM22 Solar Beam South part of the eastern shore section, upper long grass path, hidden in trees

Redwood Village

Item Directions Screenshot
TM102 Dazzle Gleam Southwest part of town, hidden in trees

Route 18

Item Directions Screenshot
Twisted Spoon Northwest sand island with a Psychic on it, hidden in sand
Soft Sand Middle sand island with a Black Belt on it, hidden in sand
Focus Sash East sand island with a Fisherman on it, hidden in sand
Roseli Berry North of the Pokemon Center, hidden in a bush

Victory Road

Item Directions Screenshot
Dusk Ball 1F in the north waterway, hidden in a rock
Max Elixir B1F, southwest corner of the cavern, hidden in a rock
Max Revive 2F, west part of the cavern, hidden in a rock
Full Restore 2F, southern part of the cavern, hidden in a rock
Green Shard Hedge Maze, near 2F entrance, hidden in a rock
TM01 Focus Punch Hedge Maze, south central part, hidden in the hedges
Rare Candy Hedge Maze, central east part, hidden in a bush
Dragon Gem 3F, southwest part of the cavern, hidden in a rock
Max Revive 3F, north part of the cavern, hidden in a rock
Dusk Ball 3F, northwest part of the cavern, hidden in a rock
Blue Shard Snowy Ascent, central valley, hidden in a rock
Max Elixir Snowy Ascent, northeast ledge, hidden in a rock
Full Restore Snowy Ascent, central ledge, hidden in a rock
Gengarite Snowy Ascent, northeast ledge, hidden on a cliff
Protector 4F ice puzzle, hidden in northwest rock
Rare Candy 4F ice puzzle, hidden in south central rock
Ice Stone 4F ice puzzle, hidden in western rock
Rockium Z 4F ice puzzle, hidden in southeast rock

Redwood Forest

Item Directions Screenshot
Balm Mushroom In a small glade with the Xerneas portal, hidden in mushrooms
Max Powder In a small glade, hidden in among trees
Sitrus Berry In the Cube Corp. entrance area, hidden in empty space

Cube Corp.

Item Directions Screenshot
Blunder Policy West side of Cube Corp., accessed by surfing, hidden near the Zygarde Cells

Tomb of Borrius

Item Directions Screenshot
Relic Copper 1F Entrance Chamber, behind the pillar east of the sliding puzzle
Relic Copper B4F Boulder Puzzle, south of the final Dusknoir, near the ladder up to B3F
Relic Silver B3F Volcano, west of the ladder down to B4F
Relic Silver B2F Dusknoir Maze, at the northwest corner of the maze, accessed by going north at the first junction from the ladder down to B3F
Relic Silver B2F Dusknoir Maze, at the southwest corner of the maze, best accessed by going southeast from the ladder up to B1F
Relic Vase B1F Cracked Floors, southwest corner of the cracked floors, at a dead end
Relic Gold B1F Cracked Floors, northwest corner of the cracked floors, at a dead end
Relic Silver B1F Cracked Floors, north side of the cracked floors, at a dead end
Relic Gold B1F Cracked Floors, on the way to the ladder up to the burial chamber, in front of the final pillar
Relic Band B1F Cracked Floors, in the southeast corner of the cracked floors, accessed from a path near the burial chamber ladder
Relic Vase Burial Chamber, behind the northwest pillar in the burial chamber

Rift Cave

Item Directions Screenshot
Rowap Berry In the maze, near the ladder to Palkia’s chamber on B2F

Fullmoon Island

Item Directions Screenshot
Kee Berry South of the landing point, hidden in a space below a bush
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