Incenses can be used as held items to perform two different tasks:

  1. In battle, an incense offers certain effects onto the Pokémon holding it.
  2. In breeding, an incense can help you breed unique baby forms of certain Pokémon if a parent is holding the proper incense.

Below is a table of every Incense in Pokémon Unbound, along with its in-game battle description, and a listing of which Pokémon you can give the incense to as a held item for breeding at the day care.

Note: All incenses can be purchased from the Dehara City Dept. Store in the post-game on the 6th floor (6F – Wiseman Gifts). Most of them also have overworld locations that you can get pre-E4, but acquiring them in the post-game from the Dehara store is far easier.

All Incense Effects

List of Incenses
Icon Incense Effect Hold to Breed Baby
Full Incense It makes the holder bloated and slow moving. Snorlax Munchlax
Lax Incense Its tricky aroma slightly reduces the foe’s accuracy. Wobbuffet Wynaut
Luck Incense It increases a battle’s prize money if the holding Pokemon joins in. Chansey / Blissey Happiny
Odd Incense It slightly boosts the power of Psychic-type moves. Mr. Mime Mime Jr.
Pure Incense It helps keep wild Pokemon away if the holder is the first in the party. Chimeco Chingling
Rock Incense It slightly boosts the power of Rock-type moves. Sudowoodo Bonsly
Rose Incense It slightly boosts the power of Grass-type moves. Roselia / Roserade Budew
Sea Incense It slightly boosts the power of Water-type moves. Marill / Azumarill Azurill
Wave Incense It slightly boosts the power of Water-type moves. Mantine Mantyke

Overworld Locations

All incenses are for sale at the Dehara City Department Store 6F, but only in the post-game. If you want a certain incense before beating the Elite Four then you can find most incenses in certain overworld locations. These overworld locations are listed below.

Incense Overworld Location
Full Incense Frost Mountain 1F (requires Rock Climb)
Lax Incense Near the ice puzzle on Route 8
Luck Incense Gift from a girl NPC in Redwood Village’s PokéCenter
Odd Incense Ruins of Void B1F
Pure Incense Gift from a girl NPC in front of the Vivill Town’s PokéCenter
Rock Incense On the ground in a lower-left corner alcove near the Regirock’s Tomb in Great Desert
Rose Incense Route 2 from the top exit of Icicle Cave (requires Rock Climb + Surf)
Sea Incense Currently no overworld location
Wave Incense Route 14 (requires Dive)
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