There are 40 Key Items in Pokémon Unbound, and while you can get a lot of them during the course of the main story, a lot of them are optional.

Below is a list of every key item in the game, along with a description of how to get it.

Name Description Location Screenshot
ADM Enables Diving in deep water, and eliminates the need for Pokemon to know other HMs entirely; also used to mine underground or underwater Seaport City Shipyard
Purchase from Captain Davy for P250,000
Baby Monitor Enables remote checking of Pokémon status at the Pokémon Day-Care Mission Reward
Complete Mission #023: Flaming Body
Barrier Key Disables the electric barrier in Thundercap Mountain, freeing the captured Pokémon Thundercap Mountain
Acquired on 5F during the main storyline
Berry Pouch Pouch for carrying all types of Berries Frozen Heights
Acquired when getting the inventory Cube
Braille Converter Device that translates Braille on ancient tablets to give hints about how to solve their puzzles Icicle Cave
After following the Alolan Sandslash into the hidden tunnel during Mission #067: The Food Thief, speak to the Ruin Maniac near the tablet
Catching Charm Increases the chance of a critical catch occurring when throwing a Poke Ball at a wild Pokémon Mission Reward
Complete Mission #062: The West Borrius Pokedex
Coin Case Holds Game Corner Coins. Has a maximum of 50,000 Dehara City
Talk to the man outside Cloud Game Corner
Costume Box Stores alternate outfits and dyes for the player character Frozen Heights
Acquired in the main storyline from your mother
DexNav Enables specific targeting of wild Pokemon Blizzard City
Speak to Prof. Log’s sister Natasha on 2F of the middle apartment building; must have caught 15 Pokemon
Devon Scope Reveals invisible Pokémon Route 16
Given by Big Mo during the main storyline
Dowsing Machine Detects Hidden Items and provides directions to their location nearby Tehl Town
Speak to the researcher in the west house; must have caught 30 Pokémon
Frontier Card Holds Battle Points earned in the Battle Frontier Battle Frontier
Will get it automatically on entering the gatehouse from Seaport City
Go-Goggles Protects from sandstorms, which permits you to traverse the Great Desert Dehara City
After defeating the Dehara Gym, speak to the Hiker in the house next to the Great Desert gate
Good Rod The second Fishing Rod, used to catch a moderate variety of Pokémon in bodies of water Epidimy Town
Given by the Fisherman in the Fisherman’s House
Grubby Hanky Handkerchief dropped by a Magnolia Cafe regular; return for a reward Magnolia Cafe
Find outside the Cafe on Saturday
Gracidea The flower used to shift Shaymin between Formes Flower Paradise
Show Shaymin to the Beauty in the central area
Jade Orb Used to summon Rayquaza at the top of Crystal Peak Mission Reward
Complete Mission #014: Blazing Emeralds
Key Cards 1, 2, and 3 Used to gain access to different sections of Shadow Base Shadow Base
Explore Shadow Base during the main storyline
Lunar Wing Used to cure a boy in Tarmigan town of his nightmares Fullmoon Island
Defeat Cresselia during Mission #066: The Endless Nightmare
Magma Stone Reduces the number of egg cycles needed to hatch a Pokémon by half, stacks with effects like Flame Body or Magma Armor; also summons Heatran in Cinder Volcano Mission Reward
Complete Mission #039: Master Incubator
Mega Keystone Allows use of Mega Stones to Mega Evolve certain Pokémon Tarmigan Mansion
Defeat Successor Maxima
Member Card Allows access to the Tarmigan Inn and the Darkrai capture opportunity Mission Reward
Complete Mission #066: The Endless Nightmare
Motorcycle Selectable item that enables fast speeds almost everywhere Mission Reward
Complete Mission #061: The Black Emboar
N-Lunarizer Fuses or separates Necrozma and Lunala Post-Game Mystery Gift Code
Meltan holding the N-Lunarizer
N-Solarizer Fuses or separates Necrozma and Solgaleo Post-Game Mystery Gift Code
Notebook Contains Pokemon research notes; return to Prof. Log’s assistant in his Lab to upgrade the Stat Scanner Mission Reward
Complete Mission #013: Basic Literacy
Old Rod The first Fishing Rod, used to catch Magikarp (and sometimes Poliwag) in bodies of water. Route 7
From the Fisherman in the Fisherman’s House outside Frost Mountain
Oval Charm Increases the chance of an Egg being found at the Pokemon Day-Care Mission Reward
Complete Mission #021: Extreme Hyperosmia
Porta-PC Enables remote access to the Pokemon Storage System Mission Reward
Complete Mission #008: And Den There Were None
Prison Bottle The bottle used to seal away Hoopa’s powers; changes Hoopa from Confined to Unbound and vice versa Crystal Peak
After rescuing Marlon in the Crystal Peak summit during the main storyline
Reveal Glass Enables the Forces of Nature Pokemon to change between Incarnate and Therian Formes Magnolia Fields
Capture Thundurus, Tornadus and Landorus and speak to the old woman at the ritual site
S.S. Ticket Enables travel between West and East Borrius from Seaport City Seaport City
Given by Jax during the main storyline
Shiny Charm Increases the chance of finding Shiny Pokemon in the world Fallshore City
Reward from the Ranger in Mission HQ for completing 65 Missions
Stat Scanner Views the hidden stats and movesets of Pokemon; can be upgraded to train moves remotely Frozen Heights
Speak to an Aide in Prof. Log’s Lab; must have caught 50 Pokemon
Super Rod The third and final Fishing Rod, used to catch rare Pokemon in bodies of water. Seaport City
Speak to the Fisherman at the Port
TM Case Holds all TMs and HMs found Frozen Heights
Comes default with the Cube
Time Turner Switches time between AM and PM on the same day Mission Reward
Complete Mission #065: The Daily Grind
Town Map Shows Borrius and your present location within it Frozen Heights
Given by Prof. Log during the main storyline
Trainer Catalogue Lists all trainers available to battle in Borrius and keeps a record of their teams Fallshore City
Reward from the Ranger in Mission HQ for completing 5 Missions
VS Seeker Detects Trainers that want a rematch; must be recharged occasionally Blizzard City
Given by the Ace Trainer on 2F of the southwest apartment building
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