This page contains a list of all possible items you can get while mining with the ADM. You’ll find individual tables that list breakdowns of different percent chances for getting items based on where you’re mining.

KBT Expressway (Miner)
Item Chance
Hard Stone 40%
Everstone 30%
Colored Shard (Red, Blue, Yellow and Green) 10%
Evolution Stone 9%
Heart Scale 6%
Revive 4%
Bottle Cap 1%
KBT Expressway
Item Chance
Hard Stone 18%
Everstone 13%
Colored Shard (Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green) 10%
Evolution Stone 9%
Creation Plate 7%
Heart Scale 6%
Weather Rock (Heat, Damp, Icy, and Smooth) 6%
Revive 6%
Gem 5%
Fossil 5%
Iron Ball 4%
Light Clay 3%
Star Piece 3%
Max Revive 2%
Odd Keystone 1%
Bottle Cap 1%
Comet Shard 1%
Item Chance
Hard Stone 18%
Everstone 13%
Fossil 10%
Colored Shard (Red, Blue, Yellow and Green) 9%
Creation Plate 7%
Evolution Stone 6%
Weather Rock (Heat, Damp, Icy and Smooth) 6%
Heart Scale 6%
Revive 6%
Gem 5%
Iron Ball 4%
Light Clay 3%
Star Piece 3%
Max Revive 2%
Odd Keystone 1%
Bottle Cap 1%
Comet Shard 1%
Crystal Peak
Item Chance
Hard Stone 18%
Everstone 13%
Gem 13%
Colored Shard (Red, Blue, Yellow and Green) 9%
Creation Plate 7%
Evolution Stone 6%
Weather Rock (Heat, Damp, Icy and Smooth) 6%
Heart Scale 6%
Revive 5%
Iron Ball 5%
Light Clay 4%
Star Piece 3%
Max Revive 2%
Odd Keystone 1%
Bottle Cap 1%
Comet Shard 1%
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