This page features a table listing every type of regular & special Poké Ball in Pokémon Unbound. This includes a description of how each ball works and a list of all the locations where you can get each one.

Ball Description Location

Poke Ball
The standard Poke Ball designed to catch a wild Pokémon.
  • Purchased from every Pokémon Mart for 200 Poke Dollars. Available from the start of the game.

Great Ball
A good quality ball that has a higher chance of catching wild Pokémon than the standard Poke Ball.
  • Purchased from every Mart for 600 PokéDollars. Available after getting the Vision Badge at Crater Town.

Ultra Ball
A very high-grade quality ball that has an even higher chance of catching a wild Pokémon than a Great Ball.
  • Purchased from every Mart for 1,200 PokéDollars. Available after getting the Fall Badge at Fallshore City.

Master Ball
The ultimate ball that’s in low quantity. It always catches any wild Pokémon without fail.
  • Given after showing Hoopa to the old lady in Epidimy Town.
  • Reward for completing “The Strongest There Is”
  • Given by speaking with Professor Log after getting all the Legendary Pokémon.
  • Trade 50 Gems with a female NPC at Cube Corp (repeatable)

Premier Ball
It has the same catch rate as a standard Poke Ball but with a different look.
  • Given for purchasing 10 balls of any kind at once.

Heal Ball
A remedial Poke Ball that restores the caught Pokémon’s HP and heals any status problems.
  • Purchased from the Epidimy Town Mart for 400 Poke Dollars.
  • Purchased from the Pokémon League for 400 Poke Dollars.

Net Ball
A unique Poke Ball that works especially well on Water and Bug-type Pokémon.
  • Purchased from the Epidimy Town and Redwood Village Marts for 1,000 Poke Dollars.
  • Purchased from the Pokémon League for 1,000 Poke Dollars.

Nest Ball
A unique Poke Ball that works especially well on weaker Pokémon.
  • Purchased from the Epidimy Town and Redwood Village Marts for 1,000 Poke Dollars.
  • Purchased from the Pokémon League for 1,000 Poke Dollars.

Dusk Ball
A unique Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch Pokémon at night or in dark places like caves.
  • Purchased from the Epidimy Town, Seaport City, and Redwood Village Marts for 1,000 Poke Dollars.
  • Purchased from the Pokémon League for 1,000 Poke Dollars.

Dive Ball
A unique Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch Pokémon while diving underwater.
  • Reward from fisherman NPC in Seaport City for showing him his requested Pokémon. This is a repeatable daily event.

Dream Ball
A unique Poke Ball that makes it much easier to catch a sleeping Pokémon. Also gives the caught Pokémon a hidden ability.
  • Given by a scientist in Tarmigan Town’s Dream Research Lab as a daily event. Can only be acquired after becoming the champion.

Safari Ball
A special Poke Ball that’s only used in the Safari Zone.
  • Given to players participating in the Polder Town Safari Zone.

Beast Ball
A special Poke Ball designed to catch Ultra Beasts. It has a low chance of success on regular Pokémon.
  • One of the three balls given by the Poke Ball trader in the Crater Town Mart.
  • Reward for completing “The Most Dangerous Game”
  • Can give Iron Balls to the old lady outside Cube Corp. to get Beast Balls.

Repeat Ball
A unique Poke Ball that works especially well on Pokémon caught before.
  • Purchased from the Seaport City Mart for 1,000 Poke Dollars.
  • Purchased from the Pokémon League for 1,000 Poke Dollars.

Timer Ball
A unique Poke Ball that becomes more effective the more turns are used in the battle.
  • Purchased from the Seaport City Mart for 1,000 Poke Dollars.
  • Purchased from the Pokémon League for 1,000 Poke Dollars.

Quick Ball
A unique Poke Ball that gives a better catch rate when used at the start of a wild encounter.
  • Purchased from the Seaport City and Redwood Village Marts for 1,000 Poke Dollars.
  • Purchased from the Pokémon League for 1,000 Poke Dollars.

Fast Ball
A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch Pokémon that have a high base speed stat.
  • Purchased from the Seaport City Bazaar for 1,000 PokéDollars.

Level Ball
A Poke Ball that makes it easier to catch Pokémon that are at a lower level than your Pokémon.
  • Purchased from the Seaport City Bazaar for 1,000 PokéDollars.

Lure Ball
A Poke Ball that is good for catching Pokémon you reel in using your fishing rod.
  • Purchased from the Seaport City Bazaar for 1,000 PokéDollars.

Heavy Ball
A Poke Ball that is good at catching very heavy Pokémon.
  • Purchased from the Seaport City Bazaar for 1,000 PokéDollars.

Love Ball
A Poke Ball that works best when attempting to capturea Pokémon that is of the opposite gender of your Pokémon.
  • Purchased from the Seaport City Bazaar for 1,000 PokéDollars.

Friend Ball
A Poke Ball that makes the Pokémon caught in it friendly toward you instantly.
  • Purchased from the Seaport City Bazaar for 1,000 PokéDollars.

Moon Ball
A Poke Ball that works best when attempting to capture a Pokémon that evolves using a Moon Stone.
  • Purchased from the Seaport City Bazaar for 1,000 PokéDollars.

Luxury Ball
A comfortable ball that makes Pokémon grow friendly quicker.
  • Purchased from the Redwood Village Mart for 1,000 Poke Dollars.
  • Purchased from the Pokémon League for 1,000 Poke Dollars.
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