Rock Smash helps you break special rocks that block your path in the overworld. Occasionally, breaking rocks via Rock Smash can also reward you with different items and wild encounters.

This page will detail all the items you can get from smashing breakable rocks, and it will detail a farming process to help you farm Rock Smash items faster.

All Rock Smash Items

Item Screenshot
Blue Shard
Green Shard
Red Shard
Yellow Shard
Hard Stone
Heart Scale
Old Amber
Armor Fossil
Root Fossil
Skull Fossil
Helix Fossil
Sail Fossil

Farming Rock Smash Drops

An easy strategy to get Rock Smash items quickly is to repeatedly farm specific rocks found in the Great Desert, since they respawn if you move a bit off screen.

To do this, you must first gain access to the Great Desert, which lies between Dehara City and Gurun Town. This area is unlocked after defeating Dehara City’s Gym Leader – Galavan – and obtaining the Go-Goggles from a nearby house.

Note: It is recommended to stock up on Super Repels or Max Repels to avoid wild Pokemon encounters while breaking rocks.

Step 1: Starting from the Dehara City Pokemon Center, go straight up the path and head towards the tunnel situated at the eastern end of the city.

Dehara City’s Pokemon Center / Pokémon Unbound
Dehara City’s Pokemon Center

Step 2: Go through the tunnel and come out the other side to reach the Great Desert.

Reaching the Great Desert / Pokémon Unbound
Reaching the Great Desert

Step 3: Make your way into the desert until you see a cactus towards the bottom of your screen.

Path towards cactus / Pokémon Unbound
Path towards cactus

Step 4: From here, take a few more steps and you’ll come across another cactus next to a small pathway leading down to a new part of the desert.

Path leading to opening / Pokémon Unbound
Path leading to opening

Step 5: Go through the small opening here until you reach the end, and there’s another cactus here.

Path leading to next cactus / Pokémon Unbound
Path leading to next cactus

Step 6: Head towards the west from the cactus, and follow this west until you reach the end of the path.

Path leading to rocks / Pokémon Unbound
Path leading to rocks

Step 7: Here you’ll find a set of 3 boulders and 3 breakable rocks, which you can use to quickly farm Rock Smash items.

Location of the rocks to farm for items / Pokémon Unbound
Location of the rocks to farm for items

Step 8: Use Rock Smash on the right-most rock so you can push the boulder in front of it. Then push this boulder towards the top, as far as you can.

Pushing the boulder towards the top / Pokémon Unbound
Pushing the boulder towards the top

Step 9: The boulder will, on its own, stop being pushed once it reaches the skeleton at the end of the area.

Placing the boulder next to skeleton / Pokémon Unbound
Placing the boulder next to skeleton

Step 10: From here, go back down and the rock that you previously destroyed will have respawned.

You can now break all 3 rocks to farm items, and if you want to push up the other 2 boulders you can, or you can just walk around them.

Previously broken rock respawned / Pokémon Unbound
Previously broken rock respawned

Step 11: After breaking the 3 rocks, walk back up to the boulder near the top of the area. Once you reach this spot, the rocks at the bottom will have respawned again.

Walking back to the boulder pushed to the top / Pokémon Unbound
Walking back to the boulder pushed to the top

Step 12: Keep running back and forth, and each time you repeat this process, the rocks will respawn and can be smashed again to obtain new items.

Repeating the farming process / Pokémon Unbound
Repeating the farming process

You can repeat this strategy to quickly farm as many Rock Smash items as you want. Using Max Repels while running back and forth will help you avoid wild Pokemon encounters from the rocks, which also speeds up this process.

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