Shards are rare items that can be found all over Borrius, or via mining or rock smash.

There are four types of shards:

  • Red Shards
  • Blue Shards
  • Yellow Shards
  • Green Shards

And they all have two main uses.

  1. You can use shards as payment to certain move tutors to teach Pokemon certain moves.
  2. And once you become Pokemon Champion, you can take Shards to a Scientist in the Seaport City Shipyard. She will take certain shard combinations and fuse them to make Creation Plates.

There are seventeen Creation Plates in total, and once you have all of them, you will be able to encounter the legendary Pokemon Arceus.

Below we’ll detail how to acquire shards, what they’re used for, and the various NPCs that will accept shards as payment for something.

Fixed Shard Locations

Below we’ve listed every possible shard that you can find in various locations in the overworld (hidden and visible items).

Note that the table may be missing a few because as of this writing there is no detailed account of every shard in the game, so this table was curated by hand. If you see any missing just send us a message and let us know!

Item Location Image
Cinder Volcano – 2F West Side
Red Shard (hidden)
In the southwest corner of the chamber, hidden in a tall rock
Red Shard (requires Strength)
After solving the boulder puzzle, across on the northeast side near the tablet
Crater Town
Yellow Shard (hidden)
Along the edge of the middle ring of the crater, hidden in a small rock
Route 7
Blue Shard Southern side of the route, on a ledge along the north edge, only accessible through the northeast long grass patch
Route 8
Blue Shard (hidden)
North of the Moon Stone location on a higher ledge, hidden in a rock
Route 9
Green Shard (requires Strength)
In the second Underground Pass Access clearing, after rolling away a boulder
Yellow Shard In the small area used during the Granbull Goon Hunt
Route 10
Green Shard (hidden)
South of the east set of stepping stones, hidden in a rock
Green Shard (requires Surf)
West of the Zygarde Cell, east side of the central island
Route 11
Yellow Shard (hidden)
Just east of the exit from Cliff Cave Chamber A on the upper part of the route, hidden in a boulder
Tarmigan Town
Red Shard
Speak to the old man inside the Red Shard House
Thundercap Mountain 2F Main Chamber
Yellow Shard In the southeast corner of the chamber, across a bridge on an island in the middle of the large pond
Thundercap Mountain 4F Main Chamber
Blue Shard (requires Rock Climb)
In the northwest part of the chamber, down a rock climb wall next to the waterfall
Dehara City
Yellow Shards
Speak to the woman upstairs in the Sinnoh Starter House
Cinder Volcano Depths
Red Shard (hidden)
In the Main Chamber, hidden in the rock south of where the Zygarde Cell was
Great Desert
Yellow Shard In the western part of the open desert, south of Roughneck Cameron, east of the Dehara City entrance
Yellow Shard (hidden)
In the northwestern part of the open desert, east of Pokemon Ranger Logan, hidden in an open space
Yellow Shard (hidden)
In the southeast corner of the middle canyon, hidden in open space
Yellow Shard (hidden)
In the eastern part of the open desert, southwest of Collector Dawson
Icicle Cave
Blue Shard (hidden)
In the central south part of the chamber, on the ice floor, near the boulder puzzle and the balcony exit
Route 14 Underwater
Blue Shard (requires ADM)

Underwater Section A, east of the Ruins of Void surface spot, hidden in a rock in seaweed
Yellow Shard (requires ADM)

Underwater Section A, in the middle chamber hallway south of the Ruins of Void surface spot, hidden in pink coral
Green Shard (requires ADM)

Underwater Section A, at the end of the south chamber hallway, at the far end, hidden in a white coral spot
Red Shard (requires ADM)

Underwater Section B, southeast of the dive spot in the northwest part of the route
Blue Shard (requires ADM)

Underwater Section B, in the first cavern through the passageway north of the entry dive spot, hidden in white coral
Yellow Shard (requires ADM)

Underwater Section B, in the chamber with the second dive spot, hidden in pink coral
Green Shard (requires ADM)

Underwater Section C, south of the dive spot in the southwest of the route, hidden in a rock
Red Shard (requires ADM)

Underwater Section C, southeast of the entry dive spot, hidden in a rock at the end of the open passage
Blue Shard (requires ADM)

Underwater Section C, in the portal chamber north of the east cavern passage
Ruins of Void Underwater
Red Shard (requires ADM)

In the southwest corner of the passages, hidden in the coral
Blue Shard (requires ADM)

In the middle chamber, hidden in a rock
Yellow Shard (requires ADM)

In the northwest chamber, hidden in a rock
Green Shard (requires ADM)

In the Toxapex chamber, hidden in a rock
Green Shard (requires ADM)

In the southeast part of the chamber, hidden in a rock
Route 16 Underwater
Blue Shard (requires ADM)

In the Underwater Section, just north of the dive spot, hidden in pink coral
Route 17
Green Shard In the northeast corner of the route, hidden in a rock
Route 17 Underwater
Yellow Shard (requires ADM)

In the Underwater Section, one chamber east of the dive spot, hidden in a rock in a field of seaweed
Blue Shard (requires ADM)

In the Underwater Section, in the large ring-shaped chamber north of the first chamber east of the dive spot, hidden in a rock in the southwest corner
Green Shard (requires ADM)

In the Underwater Section, two chambers east of the dive spot, hidden in a rock in the west section
Green Shard (requires ADM)

In the Underwater Section, in the small chamber through the southeast passage of the ring chamber, hidden in a rock
Yellow Shard (requires ADM)

In the Underwater Section, three chambers east of the dive spot, hidden in pink coral at the midway point
Red Shard (requires ADM)

In the Underwater Section, in the middle of the large open chamber northeast of the ring chamber, hidden in a rock in the large seaweed field
Blue Shard (requires ADM)

In the Underwater Section, in the east tunnel leading from the large open chamber
Red Shard (requires ADM)

In the Underwater Section, in the first of the western chambers accessed through the northwest exit of the tunnel chamber, hidden in pink coral near the entrance
Yellow Shard (requires ADM)

In the Underwater Section, in the chamber west from the dive spot, hidden in a rock
Crystal Peak Exterior Summit
Green Shard (hidden)
On the western side of the Ultimate Weapon hidden in open space
Route 18

Blue Shards

Red Shards

Green Shards

Yellow Shards
Speak to Professor Log during the course of the main story at the entrance of Victory Road on Route 18
Victory Road 2F Hedge Maze
Green Shard (hidden)
In the southern part of the route, right near the 2F cave entrance, hidden in a rock
Victory Road 3F Snowy Ascent
Blue Shard (hidden)
On the center part of the ascent, in the middle of the rocks, hidden in one

Renewable Shard Locations

There are generally only two ways to get more shards after the fixed one-time overworld locations. These two renewable methods are:

  1. Mining
  2. Breaking smashable rocks in the Great Desert
Underground Mining
KBT Miner – Mine Sessions
1 Mine Session
1000 Poke Dollars

Random chance to dig up Shards
Bulging Underground Walls – ADM Digging
ADM Required (Seaport City, Post-Game)

Random chance to dig up Shards
Great Desert – Rock Smash
Breakable Rocks

Random chance to get Shards as a discovered item

Vendors that Use Shards

Below is a list of all major vendors/NPCs in the game who can give you something in exchange for colored shards.

We’ve split this up into two sections listing all the move tutors that use shards, and then also the NPC who gives you Arceus Plates for shards.

Shard Move Tutors

Blizzard City – Lost Kid Mission House – Black Belt
Move Cost
Ice Punch 2 Blue Shards
Route 9 – Tehl Town Entrance – Medium
Move Cost
Hex 1 Blue Shard + 1 Red Shard
Tarmigan Town – Red Shard House – Kindler
Move Cost
Fire Punch 2 Red Shards
Dehara City – Sinnoh Starter House – Old Lady
Move Cost
Thunder Punch 2 Yellow Shards
Vivill Town – Green Shard House – Tutor
Move Cost
Seed Bomb 2 Green Shards
Magnolia Fields – Magnolia Town Entrance – Rancher
Move Cost
HiHorsepower 3 Yellow Shards

Arceus Creation Plates NPC

The table below lists every creation plate that you can get at the Seaport City Shipyard, along with the total number of shards required to make each plate.

Seaport City – Seaport Shipyard – Scientist NPC
Plate Cost
Draco Plate
  • 6 Red Shards
  • 2 Yellow Shards
Dread Plate
  • 2 Red Shards
  • 4 Blue Shards
  • 2 Green Shards
Earth Plate
  • 4 Red Shards
  • 2 Blue Shards
  • 2 Yellow Shards
Fist Plate
  • 6 Red Shards
  • 2 Yellow Shards
Flame Plate
  • 8 Red Shards
Icicle Plate
  • 4 Blue Shards
  • 4 Green Shards
Insect Plate
  • 6 Green Shards
  • 2 Yellow Shards
Iron Plate
  • 2 Red Shards
  • 2 Blue Shards
  • 2 Green Shards
  • 2 Yellow Shards
Meadow Plate
  • 8 Green Shards
Mind Plate
  • 4 Red Shards
  • 3 Blue Shards
  • 1 Green Shard
Pixie Plate
  • 6 Red Shards
  • 2 Blue Shards
Sky Plate
  • 6 Blue Shards
  • 2 Green Shards
Splash Plate
  • 8 Blue Shards
Spooky Plate
  • 2 Red Shards
  • 3 Blue Shards
  • 1 Green Shards
  • 2 Yellow Shards
Stone Plate
  • 4 Red Shards
  • 4 Yellow Shards
Toxic Plate
  • 4 Red Shards
  • 4 Blue Shards
Zap Plate
  • 8 Yellow Shards
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