Glalitite (Mega Stone)
Location Given as a reward for defeating the skiers in Icicle Cave 1F’s slippery ice area.
Mega Evolution Glalie



Fly to the Bellin Town Pokémon Center and take the north exit out of the town.

Leaving Bellin Town. / Pokémon Unbound
Leaving Bellin Town.

Continue heading north until you see the entrance to Icicle Cave – head inside.

Entering Icicle Cave. / Pokémon Unbound
Entering Icicle Cave.

Inside, follow the path west.

Following the path west in Icicle Cave. / Pokémon Unbound
Following the path west in Icicle Cave.

Go down the stairs to your south before taking the ladder deeper into the cave.

Taking the ladder to go deeper into the cave. / Pokémon Unbound
Taking the ladder to go deeper into the cave.

After taking the ladder down, start going south.

Going south after taking the ladder. / Pokémon Unbound
Going south after taking the ladder.

Turn west when you can and continue following the path.

Following the path going west. / Pokémon Unbound
Following the path going west.

Shortly after the slippery ice area, you’ll see another ladder taking you deeper into the cave you want to use.

Taking the ladder down. / Pokémon Unbound
Taking the ladder down.

Head west directly after using the ladder to see a wall you can scale using Rock Climb.

Using Rock Climb to scale the wall. / Pokémon Unbound
Using Rock Climb to scale the wall.

Use Surf to continue south after scaling the wall and you’ll spot an island with another ladder going deeper into the cave.

Using the ladder to go deeper into the cave. / Pokémon Unbound
Using the ladder to go deeper into the cave.

Hug the west wall here, then walk north to the slippery ice.

Going into the slippery ice. / Pokémon Unbound
Going into the slippery ice.

After stopping at the block of ice, follow these directions:

  1. Right
  2. Up
  3. Right
  4. Up
  5. Left
  6. Down
  7. Left
  8. Down
Navigating the slippery ice puzzle. / Pokémon Unbound
Navigating the slippery ice puzzle.

Go to the right after the block of ice stops you.

Going to the area’s east section. / Pokémon Unbound
Going to the area’s east section.

Now, slide down south to hit the southern wall, and then slide west again.

Going down and then west again. / Pokémon Unbound
Going down and then west again.

Slide to the north ice block, then go to the west wall, and then slide north again.

Navigating the ice to go north. / Pokémon Unbound
Navigating the ice to go north.

Finally, slide east to the rock, then go south to the stairs leading to the icy platform.

Here, approach the three trainers to start a double battle with the two on the side.

Approaching the three skiers. / Pokémon Unbound
Approaching the three skiers.

The third trainer challenges you to a battle when you defeat the other two trainers, and then gives you the Glalitite when she’s defeated.

Challenging Mega Trainer Lily. / Pokémon Unbound
Challenging Mega Trainer Lily.
Mega Trainer Lily
Pokémon Abomasnow (Level 57 at Tessy’s level cap) Alolan Nintetales (Level 59 at Tessy’s level cap) Mega Glalie (Level 60 at Tessy’s level cap)
Type Grass/Ice Ice/Fairy Ice
Ability Snow Warning Flash Fire Ice Body – Refrigerate
Held Item Ice Gem Focus Sash Glalitite
  • Fighting (2x)
  • Flying (2x)
  • Poison (2x)
  • Rock (2x)
  • Bug (2x)
  • Steel (2x)
  • Fire (4x)
  • Poison (2x)
  • Rock (2x)
  • Fire (2x)
  • Steel (4x)
  • Fighting (2x)
  • Rock (2x)
  • Steel (2x)
  • Fire (2x)
  • Blizzard
  • Giga Drain
  • Earthquake
  • Ice Shard
  • Blizzard
  • Dazzling Gleam
  • Ice Shard
  • Aurora Veil
  • Blizzard
  • Water Pulse
  • Shadow Ball
  • Signal Beam
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