Scizorite (Mega Stone)
Location From the mega trainer west of the clown in the Great Desert after you defeat him. Requires Rock Climb to reach.
Mega Evolution Scizor


  • Have access to Dehara City
  • Have Rock Climb
  • Defeat all other trainers in the desert


From outside of the Dehara City Pokémon Center, start by following the path north.

Standing outside of the Dehara City Pokémon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Standing outside of the Dehara City Pokémon Center.

Turn east on the path behind the Dehara Game Center and continue going east.

Following the path going behind the Game Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Following the path going behind the Game Center.

You’ll eventually enter the connector leading to the Great Dessert – go through it.

Entering the connector. / Pokémon Unbound
Entering the connector.

Continue on your path east.

Walking east after exiting the connector. / Pokémon Unbound
Walking east after exiting the connector.

Start walking north when the path east gets blocked by a canyon.

Walking north when the path east gets blocked. / Pokémon Unbound
Walking north when the path east gets blocked.

When the path east opens up, start going east again.

Continuing east when possible. / Pokémon Unbound
Continuing east when possible.

Take the second turn south and follow the path down.

Taking the second turn south and following the path down. / Pokémon Unbound
Taking the second turn south and following the path down.

You’ll see a wall you can scale using Rock Climb at the end of the path.

Climbing the scalable wall. / Pokémon Unbound
Climbing the scalable wall.

Speak with the trainer (Mega Trainor Travon) at the end of the path on top of the scalable wall and he’ll challenge you to a battle if you’ve defeated all other trainers in the desert.

Defeating Mega Trainor Travon will get you the Scizorite mega stone.

Approaching Mega Trainer Travon. / Pokémon Unbound
Approaching Mega Trainer Travon.
Mega Trainer Travon
Pokémon Hippowdon (Level 57 at Tessy level cap) Excadrill (Level 59 at Tessy level cap) Cradily (Level 58 at Tessy level cap) Claydol (Level 57 at Tessy level cap) Mega Scizor (Level 59 at Tessy level cap)
Type Ground Ground/Steel Rock/Grass Ground/Psychic Bug/Steel
Ability Sand Force Sand Rush Storm Drain Levitate Technician
Held Item Sitrus Berry Focus Sash Leftovers Light Clay Scizorite
  • Water (2x)
  • Grass (2x)
  • Ice (2x)
  • Fighting (2x)
  • Ground (2x)
  • Fire (2x)
  • Water (2x)
  • Fighting (2x)
  • Bug (2x)
  • Steel (2x)
  • Ice (2x)
  • Bug (2x)
  • Ghost (2x)
  • Water (2x)
  • Grass (2x)
  • Ice (2x)
  • Dark (2x)
  • Fire (4x)
  • Earthquake
  • Rock Slide
  • Fire Fang
  • Yawn
  • Earthquake
  • Iron Head
  • Rock Slide
  • Swords Dance
  • Giga Drain
  • Toxic
  • Recover
  • Protect
  • Psychic
  • Body Press
  • Light Screen
  • Reflect
  • X-Scissor
  • Bullet Punch
  • Brick Break
  • Swords Dance
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