Slowbronite (Mega Stone)
Location Hidden on the beach south of Seaport City. Obtained by interacting with the middle tile on the patch of land surrounded by water.
Mega Evolution Slowbro


  • Have access to Seaport City
  • Have Surf


Fly to the Seaport City Pokémon Center and go south.

Going south from the Seaport City Pokémon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Going south from the Seaport City Pokémon Center.

Keep going south as you reach a beach and have to use Surf to continue on the path.

Leaving the city and continuing south. / Pokémon Unbound
Leaving the city and continuing south.

You’ll eventually see a small island.

Interact with the middle tile here to get the hidden Slowbronite.

Getting the Slowbronite. / Pokémon Unbound
Getting the Slowbronite.
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