Basic Pokémon Marts

The items sold by the male clerk in regular blue Pokémon marts are universal across all marts. New items are added after acquiring certain Gym Badges.

Note: Although Magnolia Town has a Pokémon Mart clerk who sells the same universal items as other marts, she’s inside the Pokémon Cafe.
Pokémon Marts
Item Price Unlocked By
Poke Ball 200 At the start of the game
Great Ball 600 Getting the Vision Badge at Crater Town
Ultra Ball 1,200 Getting the Fall Badge at Fallshore City
Potion 300 At the start of the game
Super Potion 700 Getting the Leaf Badge at Dresco Town
Hyper Potion 1,200 Getting the Battery Badge at Dehara City
Max Potion 2,500 Getting the Swamp Badge at Polder Town
Full Restore 3,000 Getting the Time Badge at Redwood Village
Revive 1,500 Getting the Wings Badge at Blizzard Town
Antidote 100 At the start of the game
Paralyze Heal 200 At the start of the game
Awakening 250 Getting the Leaf Badge at Dresco Town
Burn Heal 250 Getting the Leaf Badge at Dresco Town
Ice Heal 250 At the start of the game
Full Heal 600 Getting the Battery Badge at Dehara City
Escape Rope 550 At the start of the game
Repel 350 At the start of the game
Super Repel 500 Getting the Vision Badge at Crater Town
Max Repel 700 Getting the Battery Badge at Dehara City

Unique Pokémon Marts

Unique Pokemon Marts / Pokémon Unbound

Some Pokemon Marts have two clerks behind them alongside the regular clerk who sells universal items. The second clerk sells items unique to that city, which may include specialized balls, mail, or even TMs.

Seaport City Pokémon Mart

Seaport City Pokémon Mart (second clerk)
Item Price
Repeat Ball 1,000
Timer Ball 1,000
Quick Ball 1,000
Dusk Ball 1,000
Harbor Mail 50
Wave Mail 50

Blizzard City Pokémon Mart

Blizzard City Pokémon Mart (second clerk)
Item Price
TM34 (Shockwave) 10,000
TM39 (Rock Tomb) 10,000
TM55 (Brine) 10,000
TM63 (Venoshock) 10,000
TM78 (Low Sweep) 10,000
TM88 (Pluck) 10,000
TM96 (Bulldoze) 10,000

Redwood Village Pokémon Mart

Redwood Village Pokémon Mart (second clerk)
Item Price
Net Ball 1,000
Nest Ball 1,000
Luxury Ball 1,000
Quick Ball 1,000
Dusk Ball 1,000
Wood Mail 50

Dehara City Dept. Store

The Dehara Department Store is a special case as it has multiple floors, each with clerks selling different items. Fortunately, every floor is treated as a distinct specialized section, making it easier to navigate the mall.

Dehara Dept. Store
2nd Floor (Trainer’s Market)
Item Price
Potion 300
Super Potion 700
Hyper Potion 1,200
Revive 1,500
Antidote 100
Paralyze Heal 200
Burn Heal 250
Ice Heal 250
Awakening 250
Full Heal 600
Poké Ball 200
Great Ball 600
Ultra Ball 1,200
Escape Rope 550
Repel 350
Super Repel 500
Max Repel 700
3rd Floor (Evolution Zone)
Item Price
Fire Stone 10,000
Thunder Stone 10,000
Water Stone 10,000
Leaf Stone 10,000
Link Stone 10,000
4th Floor (TM Corner)
Item Price
TM15 (Hyper Beam) 50,000
TM52 (Focus Blast) 30,000
TM64 (Explosion) 40,000
TM68 (Giga Impact) 50,000
5th Floor (Medicine Box)
Item Price
HP Up 9,800
Protein 9,800
Iron 9,800
Calcium 9,800
Zinc 9,800
Carbos 9,800
X Attack 1,000
X Defense 2,000
X Special Attack 1,000
X Special Defense 2,000
X Speed 1,000
X Accuracy 2,000
Guard Spec. 1,500
Dire Hit 1,000
6th Floor (Wiseman Gifts)
Item Price
Orange Mail 50
Harbor Mail 50
Glitter Mail 50
Mech Mail 50
Wood Mail 50
Wave Mail 50
Bead Mail 50
Shadow Mail 50
Tropic Mail 50
Dream Mail 50
Fab Mail 50
Retro Mail 50
Sea Incense (post-game only) 9600
Lax Incense (post-game only) 9600
Luck Incense (post-game only) 9600
Full Incense (post-game only) 9600
Odd Incense (post-game only) 9600
Pure Incense (post-game only) 9600
Rock Incense (post-game only) 9600
Rose Incense (post-game only) 9600
Wave Incense (post-game only) 9600

Bazaar Stalls

Bazaar stalls / Pokémon Unbound

Seaport City and Fallshore City each have small bazaar areas with multiple stalls where players can buy unique items.

Fallshore City Bazaar

Fallshore City Bazaar
Top-left Stall
Item Price
TM04 (Calm Mind) 10,000
TM08 (Bulk Up) 10,000
TM17 (Protect) 10,000
Top-right Stall
Item Price
Pomeg betty 500
Kelpsy Berry 500
Qualot Berry 500
Hondew Berry 500
Grepa Berry 500
Tamato Berry 500
Bottom-left Stall
Item Price
HP Up 9,800
Protein 9,800
Iron 9,800
Calcium 9,800
Zinc 9,800
Carbos 9,800
Bottom-right Stall
Item Price
Moomoo Milk (1 bottle) 550
Moomoo Milk (1 dozen) 6,600

Seaport City Bazaar

Seaport City Bazaar
Top-left Stall
Item Price
TM53 (Energy Ball) 20,000
TM57 (Charge Beam) 10,000
TM84 (Poison Jab) 20,000
Top-right Stall
Item Price
Fast Ball 1,000
Level Ball 1,000
Lure Ball 1,000
Heavy Ball 1,000
Love Ball 1,000
Friend Ball 1,000
Moon Ball 1,000
Bottom-left Stall
Item Price
Razz Berry 500
Bluk Berry 500
Nanab Berry 500
Wepear Berry 500
Pinab Berry 500
Cornn Berry 500
Magost Berry 500
Rabuta Berry 500
Nomel Berry 500
Spelon Berry 500
Pamtre Berry 500
Watmel Berry 500
Durin Berry 500
Belue Berry 500
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