Location | Seaport City – Inside the house west of the Seaport City KBT Expressway entrance |
Purpose | Gives you the Alolan starters for free |
Transaction Item | N/A |
Cost | N/A |
Fly to the Seaport City Pokemon Center and follow the path east.

Enter the building just before the stairs.

Interact with the two doors to open them.

The Alola Starters Lady is the NPC with the pink umbrella inside the room.


The Alola Starters Lady gives you all three of the Alolan starters for free in whatever order you want. The number of starters that you can get depends on the number of badges you have.
Badges | Starters To Get |
0 (unlocked from the start) | 1 starter |
7 Badges | 2 starters |
8 Badges | 3 starters |