Location Redwood Village – Inside of the house west of the Redwood Village Gym.
Purpose Significantly speeds up the hatching speed of all eggs in the player’s party.
Transaction Item Poke Dollars
Cost 12,500 Poke Dollars


Fly to the Redwood Village Pokemon Center and walk south.

Standing outside of the Redwood Village Pokemon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Standing outside of the Redwood Village Pokemon Center.

Enter the first house you see to your west.

Entering the house west of the gym. / Pokémon Unbound
Entering the house west of the gym.

The Egg Hatcher is the NPC sitting to the left.

Approaching the Egg Hatcher. / Pokémon Unbound
Approaching the Egg Hatcher.


The Egg Hatcher explaining her services. / Pokémon Unbound
The Egg Hatcher explaining her services.

The Egg Hatcher significantly boosts the hatching speed of all eggs in the player’s party for 12,500 Poke Dollars. This doesn’t affect the eggs in your storage box, so for any new eggs to get this benefit you’d have to put them in your party and come back to pay the fee again.

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