Location Battle Frontier – Behind a stall in the top-right corner of the area
Purpose Maximizes or purges one of the select Pokémon’s EVs
Transaction Item Battle Points
Cost 50 BP


Start by flying to the Seaport City Pokemon Center and enter the connector to the north.

Standing outside of the Seaport City Pokemon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Standing outside of the Seaport City Pokemon Center.

Outside the gate connector, start following the path east.

Walking east after exiting the connector. / Pokémon Unbound
Walking east after exiting the connector.

Continue following the path north when you can’t go east anymore.

Following the same path north. / Pokémon Unbound
Following the same path north.

The EV Changer is the Black Belt NPC behind the first stall you see.

Approaching the EV Changer’s stall. / Pokémon Unbound
Approaching the EV Changer’s stall.


Every service offered by the EV Changer. / Pokémon Unbound
Every service offered by the EV Changer.

The EV Changer offers three primary services:

  1. Maximizing one Pokémon’s Effort Value in a stat for 50 Battle Points
  2. Purging a Pokémon’s Effort Value on a stat for 5 Battle Points
  3. Viewing the EVs and IVs of every Pokemon in your party
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