Location Cube Corp. – Directly east of the main Cube Corp. building
Purpose Creates any type of rare Evolution Stone in exchange for Everstones
Transaction Item Everstone
Cost 4 Everstones


Fly to the main Cube Corp. building and the Evolution Stone Creator will be standing behind the stall directly to the right of the building’s entrance.

Approaching the Evolution Stone Creator. / Pokémon Unbound
Approaching the Evolution Stone Creator.


Speaking with the Evolution Stone Creator. / Pokémon Unbound
Speaking with the Evolution Stone Creator.

As the name suggests, the Evolution Stone Creator can create any kind of rare Evolution Stone in exchange for 4 Everstones. The Evolution Stones this NPC can create are:

  • Dawn Stone
  • Dusk Stone
  • Ice Stone
  • Moon Stone
  • Shiny Stone
  • Sun Stone

You can acquire Everstones fastest by breaking Rock Smash rocks in the Great Desert.

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