Location Standing on the very south side of the Dehara City Mall’s second floor.
Purpose Purchases food items and berries from the player.
Transaction Item Poke Dollars
Cost N/A


Fly to the Dehara City Pokemon Center and enter the mall to its east.

Entering the Dehara City Mall. / Pokémon Unbound
Entering the Dehara City Mall.

Continue straight and enter the elevator.

Entering the elevator. / Pokémon Unbound
Entering the elevator.

Take the elevator to the second floor, and the Food Maniac is on the south part of the floor sitting on a chair.

Approaching the Food Maniac. / Pokémon Unbound
Approaching the Food Maniac.


The Food Maniac asking to buy items and berries. / Pokémon Unbound
The Food Maniac asking to buy items and berries.

The Food Maniac purchases most food items and berries in exchange for Poke Dollars.

The table below lists most items that you can sell to the Food Maniac, along with the price you can expect to get paid for each.

Tip: For selling berries, the price you can expect depends on the rarity of each berry. We do not have a full list of sell prices for berries yet but will be updated in the future.
Item Price
Fresh Water 200 Poke Dollars
Soda Pop 300 Poke Dollars
Lemonade 350 Poke Dollars
Moomoo Milk 500 Poke Dollars
Lava Cookie 4,000 Poke Dollars
Berry Juice 1,500 Poke Dollars
Sea Salt 7,000 Poke Dollars
Rare Candy 10,000 Poke Dollars
Honey 500 Poke Dollars
Tiny Mushroom 500 Poke Dollars
Big Mushroom 5,000 Poke Dollars
Lucky Egg 10,000 Poke Dollars
Leftovers 4,000 Poke Dollars
Leek 1,000 Poke Dollars
Balm Mushroom 25,000 Poke Dollars
Big Malasada 4,000 Poke Dollars
Casteliacone 4,000 Poke Dollars
Lumiose Gale 4,000 Poke Dollars
Rage Candybar 4,000 Poke Dollars
Shalour Sable 4,000 Poke Dollars
Old Gateau 4,000 Poke Dollars
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