Location Gurun Town – Inside of the house directly behind the Gurun Town Pokémon Center.
Purpose Gives the player any type of Gem in exchange for Hard Stones
Transaction Item Hard Stones
Cost 20 Hard Stones


Fly to the Gurun Town Pokemon Center and follow the brown path going north.

Standing outside of the Gurun Town Pokemon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Standing outside of the Gurun Town Pokemon Center.

Enter the house northwest of the Regi Statue.

Entering the house northeast of the Pokemon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Entering the house northeast of the Pokemon Center.

The Hard Stone to Gem trader is the mountain climber NPC inside the house sitting at the table.

Approaching the Hard Stone to Gem NPC. / Pokémon Unbound
Approaching the Hard Stone to Gem NPC.


The Gem NPC asking for Hard Stones. / Pokémon Unbound
The Gem NPC asking for Hard Stones.

You can go to this NPC to acquire any type of Gem in exchange for 20 Hard Stones. However, you must first complete the mission “As Hard as They Come” before this NPC will trade with you.

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