Location Battle Frontier – Standing behind a stall south of the main Battle Frontier building.
Purpose Changes a Pokémon’s Hidden Power type & allows you to see all Hidden Power types of the Pokémon in your party
Transaction Item Battle Points
Cost 15 Battle Points


Start by flying to the Seaport City Pokémon Center and entering the connector to the north.

Standing outside of the Seaport City Pokemon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Standing outside of the Seaport City Pokemon Center.

Continue north to walk out of the connector and enter the Battle Frontier area. Then follow the path going north.

Going north after exiting the connector. / Pokémon Unbound
Going north after exiting the connector.

The Hidden Power Changer is the NPC behind the stall parallel to the lottery stand.

Approaching the Hidden Power Changer. / Pokémon Unbound
Approaching the Hidden Power Changer.


Talking to the Hidden Power Changer. / Pokémon Unbound
Talking to the Hidden Power Changer.

The Hidden Power Changer lets the player change the Hidden Power type of any Pokemon for 15 Battle Points. The NPC also lets the player view the current Hidden Power type of every Pokemon in their party.

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