Location Fallshore City – Inside of the Fallshore City Mission HQ
Purpose Upgrades the player’s Lucky Eggs in exchange for Big Pearls and Pearl Strings
Transaction Item Big Pearls/Pearl Strings
Cost Depends on the Lucky Egg’s level


Fly to the Fallshore City Pokemon Center and follow the path west.

Standing outside of the Fallshore City Pokemon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Standing outside of the Fallshore City Pokemon Center.

Enter the Mission HQ, which is the last building on the path.

Entering the Fallshore City Mission HQ. / Pokémon Unbound
Entering the Fallshore City Mission HQ.

Interact with the closed doors leading to a room right in front of you.

The closed doors players must interact with. / Pokémon Unbound
The closed doors players must interact with.

The Lucky Egg Upgrade NPC is wearing a white hat and standing in front of the fridge inside this room.

Approaching the Lucky Egg Upgrade NPC. / Pokémon Unbound
Approaching the Lucky Egg Upgrade NPC.


Upgrading the Lucky Egg’s level. / Pokémon Unbound
Upgrading the Lucky Egg’s level.

The first time that you speak with the Lucky Egg NPC, you’ll be prompted to start the “Exp. Millionaire” side mission. This NPC gives you two Lucky Eggs after completing the mission. She also upgrades your Lucky Eggs to level 2 for free, which means that any Pokemon holding the item gets additional experience.

Players can upgrade Lucky Eggs even more by giving this NPC Big Pearls. However, the transaction item changes to Pearl Strings after upgrading a Lucky Egg to level 7.

The table below details all the Lucky Egg upgrades, including their cost and increase in experience gain.

Lucky Egg Level Cost Exp Gain
2 N/A 2x
3 3 Big Pearls 2.5x
4 4 Big Pearls 3x
5 5 Big Pearls 3.5x
6 6 Big Pearls 4x
7 7 Big Pearls 4.5x
8 2 Pearl Strings 5x
9 3 Pearl Strings 5.5x
10 4 Pearl Strings 6x
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