Location Cube Corp. – Standing behind the southwest stall in the Cube Corp. exterior area.
Purpose Gives you a Master Ball in exchange for Gems.
Transaction Item Gems
Cost 30 Gems


Fly to Cube Corp. and follow the path west.

Standing outside of the main Cube Corp. building. / Pokémon Unbound
Standing outside of the main Cube Corp. building.

The Master Ball Maker is directly behind stall in the corner here. You’ll see it almost instantly.

Approaching the Master Ball Maker. / Pokémon Unbound
Approaching the Master Ball Maker.


Trading 30 Gems for a Master Ball. / Pokémon Unbound
Trading 30 Gems for a Master Ball.

The Master Ball Maker can make unlimited Master Balls for you, for a cost of 30 Gems of any type.

There’s no limit to how many Master Balls you can acquire from this NPC, as long as you have the required number of Gems.

Tip: Among the best ways to get Gems is by either farming them as Rock Smash items in the desert, or by mining at Crystal Peak.
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