  1. Inside of the house southwest of the Tehl Town Pokemon Center
  2. Behind the stall in the top-left corner of the Battle Frontier
Purpose Changes the nature of the select Pokemon
Transaction Item Battle Points/Poke Dollars
Cost Tehl Town NPC: 50,000 Poke Dollars

Battle Frontier NPC: 50 Battle Points


Pokemon Unbound has two Nature Changers, one in Tehl Town and one at the Battle Frontier. Both are accessible at different points in the game and require different currencies.

#1: Tehl Town

For the first Nature Changer, fly to the Tehl Town Pokemon Center and enter the house to your southwest.

Entering the house southwest of the Tehl Town Pokemon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Entering the house southwest of the Tehl Town Pokemon Center.

Inside, you’ll see a scientist with the side mission bubble on his head. Approach him.

Approaching the Tehl Town Nature Changer. / Pokémon Unbound
Approaching the Tehl Town Nature Changer.

This scientist gives the “Seasonal Research” side mission. After completing that mission, this NPC allows the player to use his nature-changing services.

Getting the Seasonal Research side mission. / Pokémon Unbound
Getting the Seasonal Research side mission.

#2: Battle Frontier

For the second Nature Changer, start by flying to the Seaport City Pokemon Center and enter the connector to the north.

Standing outside of the Seaport City Pokemon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Standing outside of the Seaport City Pokemon Center.

Head outside the connector and then follow the path west.

Walking west after exiting the connector. / Pokémon Unbound
Walking west after exiting the connector.

Continue following the path north when you can’t go west anymore.

Following the same path north. / Pokémon Unbound
Following the same path north.

The Nature Changer is the Scientist NPC behind the first stall you see.

Approaching the Battle Frontier Nature Changer. / Pokémon Unbound
Approaching the Battle Frontier Nature Changer.


Changing a Pokemon’s nature. / Pokémon Unbound
Changing a Pokemon’s nature.

As the name suggests, the Nature Changer can change the nature of a select Pokemon, allowing it to get the new nature’s stat strengths and weaknesses.

The NPC at Tehl Town gives players a free nature change as part of his side mission’s completion before requiring 50,000 Poke Dollars for subsequent nature changes. On the other hand, the NPC at the Battle Frontier requires 50 Battle Points to change any Pokémon’s nature at all times.

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