Location Dehara City – Inside of the house east of the Dehara City Gym.
Purpose Purchases rare bones from you for 10,000 Poke Dollars.
Transaction Item Poke Dollars
Cost 10,000 Poke Dollars (paid to you)


Fly to the Dehara City Pokemon Center and follow the path north.

Walking north from the Dehara City Pokemon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Walking north from the Dehara City Pokemon Center.

Continue on the north path and enter the first house you see to your east.

Entering the Rare Bone Maniac’s house. / Pokémon Unbound
Entering the Rare Bone Maniac’s house.

Follow the path east after entering the house.

Following the path east after entering the house. / Pokémon Unbound
Following the path east after entering the house.

The Rare Bone Maniac is standing near the stairs facing a shelf.

Approaching the Rare Bone Maniac. / Pokémon Unbound
Approaching the Rare Bone Maniac.


Selling a rare bone to the Rare Bone Maniac. / Pokémon Unbound
Selling a rare bone to the Rare Bone Maniac.

The Rare Bone Maniac purchases all rare bones from you, in exchange for paying you 10,000 Poke Dollars each.

Rare Bones are most commonly found in the desert by smashing breakable rocks using Rock Smash.

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