Location Battle Frontier – Upper exterior area at Battle Frontier between 11:59 PM and 4:49 AM
Purpose Sells rare services for Battle Points. This includes being able to change any Pokémon into its shiny form.
Transaction Item Battle Points
Cost Varies


Make sure the time is between 11:59 PM and 4:49 AM. Then fly to the Seaport City Pokémon Center and enter the connector to the north.

Entering the connector east of the Seaport City Pokemon Center. / Pokémon Unbound
Entering the connector east of the Seaport City Pokémon Center.

Exit the connector to reach Battle Frontier.

Exiting the connector. / Pokémon Unbound
Exiting the connector.

Continue north after exiting the connector.

Going north after exiting the connector. / Pokémon Unbound
Going north after exiting the connector.

The Shady Guy will be standing outside to the west of the main Battle Frontier building.

Approaching the Shady Guy. / Pokémon Unbound
Approaching the Shady Guy.


The Shady Guy’s primary purpose is to change the selected Pokémon into its shiny form for 500 Battle Points. This is his “Special Offer”.

Getting offered the shiny service. / Pokémon Unbound
Getting offered the shiny service.

Additionally, the Shady Guy will also occasionally have an additional Limited Offer. The limited offer varies each day, but the special offer will always be available to convert any Pokemon into its shiny form.

Here is a small list of known limited offers that can appear:

  • Reduce Speed or Attack IVs to 0 for any Pokémon
  • Change any Pokémon’s gender
  • Maximize any Pokémon’s IVs
  • Maximize the EV of one random stat for any Pokémon
  • Remove all EVs from one Pokémon
The two services the Shady Man offers. / Pokémon Unbound
The two services the Shady Man offers.
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