Some Pokémon encountered in the wild in Pokémon Unbound will be holding items. Ranging from berries to evolution stones, catching these Pokémon or using abilities like Thief can allow you to acquire these held items.

While some Pokémon have a 5% or 50% chance of having a held item, others don’t have any wild held items at all.

The table below covers every Wild Pokémon in Pokémon Unbound that has a chance of holding items. We’ve detailed both the common held item (which is held 50% of the time) along with the rare held item (which is held 5% of the time).

Note: If you want to know where to find any of these Pokémon in the wild, take a look at our comprehensive list of Pokémon locations.
Sprite Pokémon Common Item (50%) Rare Item (5%)
Butterfree Silver Powder
Beedrill Poison Barb
Mega Beedrill Poison Barb
Rattata Chilan Berry
Alolan Rattata Pecha Berry
Raticate Chilan Berry
Alolan Raticate Pecha Berry
Spearow Sharp Beak
Fearow Sharp Beak
Arbok Poison Barb
Pikachu Oran Berry Light Ball
Raichu Oran Berry
Sandshrew Grip Claw
Sandslash Grip Claw
Clefairy Leppa Berry Moon Stone
Clefable Leppa Berry Moon Stone
Vulpix Rawst Berry Charcoal
Ninetales Rawst Berry Charcoal
Jigglypuff Oran Berry Moon Stone
Wigglytuff Oran Berry Moon Stone
Oddish Absorb Bulb
Gloom Absorb Bulb
Vileplume Absorb Bulb
Paras Tiny Mushroom Big Mushroom
Parasect Tiny Mushroom Big Mushroom
Venomoth Shed Shell
Diglett Soft Sand
Alolan Diglett Soft Sand
Dugtrio Soft Sand
Alolan Dugtrio Soft Sand
Meowth Quick Claw
Alolan Meowth Quick Claw
Persian Quick Claw
Alolan Persian Quick Claw
Mankey Papaya Berry
Primeape Papaya Berry
Growlithe Rawst Berry Rawst Berry
Arcanine Rawst Berry Rawst Berry
Poliwhirl King’s Rock
Poliwrath King’s Rock
Abra Twisted Spoon
Kadabra Twisted Spoon
Alakazam Twisted Spoon
Mega Alakazam Twisted Spoon
Machop Focus Band
Machoke Focus Band
Machamp Focus Band
Tentacool Poison Barb
Tentacruel Poison Barb
Geodude Everstone
Graveler Everstone
Golem Everstone
Ponyta Shuca Berry
Rapidash Shuca Berry
Slowpoke Lagging Tail
Slowbro King’s Rock
Magnemite Metal Coat
Magneton Metal Coat
Farfetch’d Leek
Doduo Sharp Beak
Dodrio Sharp Beak
Seel Aspear Berry
Dewgong Aspear Berry Never-Melt Ice
Grimer Black Sludge
Muk Black Sludge Toxic Orb
Shellder Pearl Big Pearl
Cloyster Pearl Big Pearl
Haunter Spell Tag
Gengar Spell Tag
Mega Gengar Spell Tag
Onix Hard Stone
Exeggcute Psychic Seed
Cubone Thick Club
Marowak Thick Club
Alolan Marowak Thick Club
Lickitung Lagging Tail
Koffing Smoke Ball
Weezing Smoke Ball
Chansey Lucky Punch Lucky Egg
Horsea Dragon Scale
Seadra Dragon Scale
Goldeen Mystic Water
Seaking Mystic Water
Staryu Stardust Star Piece
Starmie Stardust Star Piece
Mr. Mime Leppa Berry
Jynx Aspear Berry Aspear Berry
Electabuzz Electirizer
Magmar Magmarizer
Lapras Mystic Water Mystic Water
Ditto Quick Powder Metal Powder
Snorlax Leftovers Leftovers
Dratini Dragon Scale
Dragonair Dragon Scale
Dragonite Dragon Scale
Mew Lum Berry Lum Berry
Sentret Oran Berry
Furret Oran Berry Sitrus Berry
Chinchou Deep Sea Scale
Lanturn Deep Sea Scale
Pichu Oran Berry
Cleffa Leppa Berry Moon Stone
Igglybuff Oran Berry
Bellossom Absorb Bulb
Sudowoodo King’s Rock
Sunkern Coba Berry
Yanma Wide Lens
Slowking King’s Rock
Misdreavus Spell Tag
Girafarig Persim Berry
Steelix Metal Coat
Mega Steelix Metal Coat
Qwilfish Poison Barb
Shuckle Berry Juice Berry Juice
Sneasel Grip Claw Quick Claw
Teddiursa Oran Berry Sitrus Berry
Ursaring Oran Berry Sitrus Berry
Swinub Aspear Berry
Piloswine Aspear Berry Never-Melt Ice
Corsola Luminous Moss
Skarmory Metal Coat
Kingdra Dragon Scale
Phanpy Passho Berry
Donphan Passho Berry
Porygon2 Up-Grade Up-Grade
Smoochum Aspear Berry Aspear Berry
Elekid Electirizer
Magby Magmarizer
Miltank Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk
Blissey Lucky Egg Lucky Egg
Ho-Oh Sacred Ash Sacred Ash
Celebi Lum Berry Lum Berry
Poochyena Pecha Berry
Mightyena Pecha Berry
Zigzagoon Potion Revive
Linoone Potion Max Revive
Wurmple Pecha Berry Bright Powder
Beautifly Shed Shell
Dustox Shed Shell
Lotad Mental Herb
Lombre Mental Herb
Ludicolo Mental Herb
Seedot Power Herb
Nuzleaf Power Herb
Shiftry Power Herb
Taillow Charti Berry
Swellow Charti Berry
Wingull Pretty Wing
Pelipper Pretty Wing Lucky Egg
Surskit Honey
Masquerain Silver Powder
Shroomish Tiny Mushroom Kebia Berry
Breloom Tiny Mushroom Kebia Berry
Nincada Soft Sand
Whismur Chesto Berry
Loudred Chesto Berry
Exploud Chesto Berry
Makuhita Black Belt
Hariyama King’s Rock
Nosepass Magnet
Skitty Pecha Berry Leppa Berry
Delcatty Pecha Berry Leppa Berry
Sableye Wide Lens
Mawile Metal Coat
Mega Mawile Metal Coat
Aron Hard Stone
Lairon Hard Stone
Aggron Hard Stone
Mega Aggron Hard Stone
Plusle Cell Battery
Minun Cell Battery
Volbeat Bright Powder
Illumise Bright Powder
Roselia Poison Barb
Gulpin Oran Berry Sitrus Berry
Swalot Oran Berry Sitrus Berry
Carvanha Deep Sea Tooth
Sharpedo Deep Sea Tooth
Numel Rawst Berry Rawst Berry
Camerupt Rawst Berry Rawst Berry
Mega Camerupt Rawst Berry Rawst Berry
Torkoal Charcoal
Spoink Persim Berry Tanga Berry
Grumpig Persim Berry Tanga Berry
Spinda Chesto Berry
Trapinch Soft Sand
Cacnea Sticky Barb
Cacturne Sticky Barb
Zangoose Quick Claw
Seviper Shed Shell
Lunatone Stardust Moon Stone
Solrock Stardust Sun Stone
Baltoy Light Clay
Claydol Light Clay
Lileep Big Root
Cradily Big Root
Castform Mystic Water Mystic Water
Kecleon Persim Berry
Shuppet Spell Tag
Banette Spell Tag
Mega Banette Spell Tag
Duskull Spell Tag
Dusclops Spell Tag
Chimecho Cleanse Tag
Absol Life Orb
Snorunt Snowball
Glalie Never-Melt Ice
Mega Glalie Never-Melt Ice
Clamperl Pearl Big Pearl
Huntail Deep Sea Tooth
Gorebyss Deep Sea Scale
Relicanth Deep Sea Scale
Luvdisc Heart Scale
Bagon Dragon Fang
Shelgon Dragon Fang
Salamence Dragon Fang
Beldum Metal Coat
Metang Metal Coat
Metagross Metal Coat
Mega Metagross Metal Coat
Jirachi Star Piece Star Piece
Starly Yache Berry
Staravia Yache Berry
Staraptor Yache Berry
Bibarel Oran Berry Sitrus Berry
Kricketot Metronome
Kricketune Metronome
Budew Poison Barb
Roserade Poison Barb
Wormadam Silver Powder
Wormadam (Sandy) Silver Powder
Wormadam (Trash) Silver Powder
Mothim Silver Powder
Combee Honey Honey
Vespiquen Poison Barb
Buizel Wacan Berry
Floatzel Wacan Berry
Cherubi Miracle Seed
Cherrim Miracle Seed
Cherrim (Sun Shine) Miracle Seed
Drifblim Air Balloon
Buneary Pecha Berry Chople Berry
Lopunny Pecha Berry Chople Berry
Glameow Cheri Berry
Purugly Cheri Berry
Chingling Cleanse Tag
Stunky Pecha Berry
Skuntank Pecha Berry
Bronzor Metal Coat
Bronzong Metal Coat
Mime Jr. Leppa Berry
Happiny Oval Stone Lucky Egg
Chatot Metronome
Spiritomb Smoke Ball Smoke Ball
Gible Haban Berry
Gabite Haban Berry
Garchomp Haban Berry
Munchlax Leftovers Leftovers
Skorupi Poison Barb
Drapion Poison Barb
Croagunk Black Sludge
Toxicroak Black Sludge
Finneon Rindo Berry
Lumineon Rindo Berry
Snover Never-Melt Ice
Abomasnow Never-Melt Ice
Weavile Grip Claw Quick Claw
Magnezone Metal Coat
Lickilicky Lagging Tail
Electivire Electirizer
Magmortar Magmarizer
Yanmega Wide Lens
Probopass Magnet
Dusknoir Spell Tag
Froslass Babiri Berry
Shaymin Lum Berry Lum Berry
Pansage Oran Berry Leaf Stone
Simisage Oran Berry Leaf Stone
Pansear Oran Berry Fire Stone
Simisear Oran Berry Fire Stone
Panpour Oran Berry Water Stone
Simipour Oran Berry Water Stone
Blitzle Cheri Berry
Zebstrika Cheri Berry
Roggenrola Everstone Hard Stone
Boldore Everstone Hard Stone
Gigalith Everstone Hard Stone
Audino Oran Berry Sitrus Berry
Tympole Pecha Berry
Palpitoad Pecha Berry
Seismitoad Pecha Berry
Throh Expert Belt
Sawk Expert Belt
Sewaddle Mental Herb
Swadloon Mental Herb
Leavanny Mental Herb
Venipede Poison Barb
Whirlipede Pecha Berry Poison Barb
Scolipede Pecha Berry Poison Barb
Cottonee Pecha Berry Absorb Bulb
Whimsicott Absorb Bulb
Petilil Absorb Bulb
Lilligant Absorb Bulb
Basculin Deep Sea Tooth
Basculin Deep Sea Scale
Sandile Black Glasses
Krokorok Black Glasses
Krookodile Black Glasses
Darumaka Rawst Berry
Darmanitan Rawst Berry
Maractus Miracle Seed
Dwebble Hard Stone
Crustle Hard Stone
Scraggy Shed Shell
Scrafty Shed Shell
Yamask Spell Tag
Cofagrigus Spell Tag
Trubbish Black Sludge
Garbodor Black Sludge Nugget
Minccino Chesto Berry
Cinccino Chesto Berry
Gothita Persim Berry
Gothorita Persim Berry
Gothitelle Persim Berry
Solosis Persim Berry
Duosion Persim Berry
Reuniclus Persim Berry
Vanillite Never-Melt Ice
Vanillish Casteliacone Never-Melt Ice
Vanilluxe Never-Melt Ice Casteliacone
Emolga Cheri Berry Cheri Berry
Foongus Tiny Mushroom Big Mushroom
Amoonguss Tiny Mushroom Big Mushroom
Ferroseed Sticky Barb
Ferrothorn Sticky Barb
Cubchoo Aspear Berry
Beartic Aspear Berry
Cryogonal Never-Melt ice
Stunfisk Soft Sand
Druddigon Dragon Fang
Golett Light Clay
Golurk Light Clay
Heatmor Flame Orb
Volcarona Silver Powder Silver Powder
Meloetta Star Piece Star Piece
Pancham Mental Herb
Pangoro Mental Herb
Hawlucha King’s Rock
Carbink Shed Shell
Goomy Shed Shell
Pumpkaboo (XL) Miracle Seed Miracle Seed
Gourgeist (XL) Miracle Seed Miracle Seed
Pikipek Oran Berry
Trumbeak Sitrus Berry
Toucannon Rawst Berry
Yungoos Pecha Berry
Gumshoos Pecha Berry
Charjabug Cell Battery
Crabrawler Aspear Berry
Crabominable Cheri Berry
Oricorio (Baile) Red Nectar Honey
Oricorio (Pom-Pom) Yellow Nectar Honey
Oricorio (Pa’u) Pink Nectar Honey
Oricorio (Sensu) Purple Nectar Honey
Cutiefly Honey Honey
Ribombee Honey Honey
Mareanie Poison Barb
Toxapex Poison Barb
Mudbray Light Clay
Mudsdale Light Clay
Dewpider Mystic Water
Araquanid Mystic Water
Fomantis Miracle Seed
Lurantis Miracle Seed
Morelull Tiny Mushroom Big Mushroom
Shiinotic Big Mushroom Tiny Mushroom
Salandit Smoke Ball
Salazzle Smoke Ball
Bounsweet Grassy Seed
Steenee Grassy Seed
Tsareena Grassy Seed
Comfey Misty Seed
Sandygast Spell Tag
Palossand Spell Tag
Minior Star Piece
Turtonator Charcoal
Togedemaru Electric Seed
Mimikyu Chesto Berry
Bruxish Razor Fang
Drampa Persim Berry
Jangmo-o Razor Claw
Hakamo-o Razor Claw
Kommo-o Razor Claw
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