Mission #004: A Rift in Space
Start Location Dehara City, house near Great Desert gate, man upstairs
Unlock Requirements
  • Become Pokémon Champion
Objectives Rescue a little girl in Rift Cave
Reward Item: Lustrous Orb

Once you become Pokémon Champion, speak to an old man upstairs in the house near the Great Desert gate in Dehara City. He’ll enlist you to rescue his daughter from Rift Cave. Do it, and you’ll get the Lustrous Orb.

Starting the Mission

Fly to Dehara City and head northeast until you’re in front of the gate east to the Great Desert. Enter the house that is closest to the gate.

The house nearest the Great Desert Gate / Pokémon Unbound
The house nearest the Great Desert Gate

Go upstairs to 2F and speak to the man there – his daughter went to Rift Cave and he’s worried about her. You’ll have to head there to rescue her.

The man upstairs is missing his daughter / Pokémon Unbound
The man upstairs is missing his daughter

How to Complete

Rift Cave is north of the housing area, in the northeast part of town.

Rift Cave entrance / Pokémon Unbound
Rift Cave entrance

When you enter Rift Cave, you’ll be in a small chamber at first.

Walk north and you’ll get to a larger main chamber with a portal in the middle and the little girl on the western side.

The main chamber of 1F / Pokémon Unbound
The main chamber of 1F

The portal leads back to the Distortion World, so don’t go there for now.

Instead, go north and you’ll see some stairs that will lead to where the girl is.

Found the girl so fast? / Pokémon Unbound
Found the girl so fast?

When you speak to her, the girl will want to be taken home. However, it’s not going to be that easy.

Palkia appears / Pokémon Unbound
Palkia appears

She’ll immediately be kidnapped by the Legendary Pokémon Palkia and taken to a lower level.

The ladder down to B1F / Pokémon Unbound
The ladder down to B1F

Palkia leaves a ladder behind for you to follow, so take it down and you’ll find yourself in a big maze.

B1F Impossible Maze

(Click for full-size)
The only route to the next floor

There are repeated ladders and ledges that fold back on themselves and make you think things are closer than they really are here.

You can use the map above to get a better idea of the correct route to follow.

Follow the spiral / Pokémon Unbound
Follow the spiral

From the ladder, the only path to take is a big counterclockwise spiral, which will ultimately end with you facing south.

Go south then east / Pokémon Unbound
Go south then east

Keep walking south and the path will turn east. It will then bend back on itself and you’ll be headed west.

The first intersection / Pokémon Unbound
The first intersection

Ignore the two opportunities to jump off the cliffs, and head north.

The path will then go east and then snake around again to the west.

At the next intersection, jump off the cliff to the west.

The second intersection / Pokémon Unbound
The second intersection
Continue west then south / Pokémon Unbound
Continue west then south

Then, continue for a little ways west before the path turns south.

Follow it all the way down until there’s a kink in the path. Keep going until you see an inaccessible ladder.

The ladder, out of reach / Pokémon Unbound
The ladder, out of reach

The path bends back around to the north, so follow it in that direction for a while.

The first set of cliffs / Pokémon Unbound
The first set of cliffs

Continue north, ignoring the first set of cliffs, which will just take you back to an earlier part of the maze.

The second set of cliffs / Pokémon Unbound
The second set of cliffs

The next set of cliffs has a Zygarde Cell in the middle of them, and the path it goes to will eventually lead to this same position you’re in now – you just need to head south after collecting the Cell.

Whether you ignore the Cell or if you loop back to this spot after getting the Cell, you’ll want to continue following the main path as it winds around yet again.

Keep going south / Pokémon Unbound
Keep going south

Follow the path south until you get to another set of cliffs.

Take the left cliff / Pokémon Unbound
Take the left cliff

Jump off the left cliff and continue south along the path until you see more cliffs.

Take the left cliff again / Pokémon Unbound
Take the left cliff again

Go west off that cliff and you’ll come to an intersection of paths.

Take the first path north, not the second / Pokémon Unbound
Take the first path north, not the second

Go north at the intersection and follow that path all the way until you see more cliffs with an item on your right-hand side.

A choice to make / Pokémon Unbound
A choice to make

The item between the cliffs to the east is an Odd Keystone. You can grab it and return to an earlier section of the path, or continue the puzzle by taking the west cliff.

Jump to the south / Pokémon Unbound
Jump to the south

That will lead south to another cliff intersection – jump off the southern cliff here.

Three choices this time / Pokémon Unbound
Three choices this time

Again, at the next opportunity to choose a path, pick the south cliff.

Keep going south / Pokémon Unbound
Keep going south

One more southern cliff to jump off here, and the path will finally turn towards the west.

A ladder up / Pokémon Unbound
A ladder up

There’s a ladder here, but do not take it – it just leads you to the upper floor and you’ll have to start the maze all over again.

Go west past the ladder until you get to a dead end with a choice of cliffs.

Go south from here / Pokémon Unbound
Go south from here

Jump over the south cliff, and you’re nearly at the end of the maze.

Keep following the path, don’t jump over any more cliffs, and you’ll soon be at the ladder.

The ladder out of the maze / Pokémon Unbound
The ladder out of the maze

Take the ladder down and you’ll finally be out of the maze.

Palkia Battle

The girl is not alone / Pokémon Unbound
The girl is not alone

Go up to the girl and it’s not long before Palkia shows up to try and take her again.

Palkia will use its space powers to Dynamax, and you’ll need to beat it (or capture it) in battle using two of your Pokémon.

Dynamax Battle

(Lv. 60)

Once Palkia has been defeated, you’ll need to make your own way out of the maze. But considering all roads pretty much lead to an exit ladder if you jump off enough cliffs, it’s not much trouble to leave.

Free at last / Pokémon Unbound
Free at last

Head back to the girl’s house and her father will give you the Lustrous Orb.

Your reward / Pokémon Unbound
Your reward
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