Mission #005: Abandonment Issues
Start Location Fallshore City, Mission HQ – lady in hallway on the upper floor
Unlock Requirements
  • Completed main story missions up until Fallshore City
Objectives Find the little Tuber girl on the south beach of Fallshore, and find her again multiple times
Reward Item: Power Belt

A lady in the Mission HQ has lost her daughter, and needs your help to track her down in Fallshore City. Find her – five times – and you’ll get given a Power Belt as a reward.

Starting the Mission

The Fallshore City Mission HQ / Pokémon Unbound
The Fallshore City Mission HQ

One of Fallshore City’s most important buildings is the Mission HQ, which is on the west side of town just north of the Marketplace.

The lady who gives you this mission is on the second floor of the building, in the hallway.

You’re going to need to become a tracker / Pokémon Unbound
You’re going to need to become a tracker

Her daughter is missing, though she has not gone too far – she’s in Fallshore City somewhere. And your job is to find her.

The daughter is a little girl with a bright pink tube around her waist, like the Tuber trainers you may have encountered before.

How to Complete

You can find the girl on the beach to the south of the city, in the center section of it.

The first location of the girl / Pokémon Unbound
The first location of the girl

However, when you try and bring her back, she gets blown away by the wind.

The lady is concerned / Pokémon Unbound
The lady is concerned

Go back to the lady in the Mission HQ when this happens, and she’ll tell you to go looking for her again, assuring you that there’s no way she could have left Fallshore City and she must have landed somewhere else nearby.

You’ll have to find her a total of five times. Click any image in the table below to see a full-size version.

All Daughter Locations

Spot # Description Screenshot
#1 In the middle section of the beach
#2 Top left of Fallshore Market
#3 In front of Evolution House
#4 Northeast corner of Fallshore City
#5 In front of Mission HQ
After the fifth time / Pokémon Unbound
After the fifth time

The girl will eventually land right in front of Mission HQ, and her mother will come out of the building to get her.

Your reward / Pokémon Unbound
Your reward

She’ll be so grateful she will give you a Power Belt.

The Power Belt, along with all of the other Power items, can be upgraded using Star Pieces by Black Belt Kentaro – he’s west of Antisis City near the entrance to Thundercap Mountain.

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