Mission #006: All the Right Moves
Start Location Polder Town, house near Safari Zone entrance – woman near TV
Unlock Requirements
  • Completed main story missions up until Polder Town
Objectives Collect all 120 TMs in Borrius
Reward Item: Gold Bottle Cap

A woman in Polder Town gives you a huge task – find all of the 120 TMs in Borrius, and she’ll give you a valuable Gold Bottle Cap.

Starting the Mission

The house near the Safari Zone entrance / Pokémon Unbound
The house near the Safari Zone entrance

Once you make it to Polder Town in West Borrius, walk to the east side of town and you’ll see the entrance to the Safari Zone.

Just above that is a house (pictured in the screenshot above).

The huge collecting task begins / Pokémon Unbound
The huge collecting task begins

Speak to the woman near the TV and she’ll give you a very long yet important collection mission – track down and acquire all 120 TMs in the Borrius Region.

How to Complete

A TM found in the wild / Pokémon Unbound
A TM found in the wild

TMs can be found in a lot of places, though the vast majority of them are found in the wild as yellow Poke Balls.

A TM earned through battle / Pokémon Unbound
A TM earned through battle

They can also be given to you by NPCs just by talking to them, as mission rewards, or as rewards for defeating them – all of the Gym Leaders give you one, for example.

For detailed information on how to find them you can refer to our TM & HM page listing all of their locations.

Using the Gold Bottle Cap / Pokémon Unbound
Using the Gold Bottle Cap

Your reward for finding all 120 TMs is a Gold Bottle Cap, an incredibly rare and useful item.

Bottle Caps will max out one stat’s IV, while Gold Bottle Caps will max out all stats’ IVs.

There’s a woman in Seaport City, just south of the eastern warehouse, who will accept Bottle Caps and Gold Bottle Caps in exchange for increasing the IVs – the Individual Values (stat growth potential) – of a single Pokémon.
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