Mission #007: Am I Blind? | |
Start Location | Icicle Cave 4F, West Cavern – Ruin Maniac in front of first tablet | Unlock Requirements |
Objectives | Solve all the Ancient Tablet Puzzles in Borrius |
Reward | Item: 5 Wishing Pieces |
After accepting a mission to find a food thief Pokémon, and chasing it into Icicle Cave, it opens up a new passageway. Inside that passageway is a strange ancient tablet and a Ruin Maniac who wants you to solve the riddles on all 9 of them across Borrius. Do so, and he’ll give you 5 Wishing Pieces.
Starting the Mission

In order to receive this mission, you first have to at least start Mission #067: The Food Thief.
To do so, go to the northeast house in Bellin Town and head inside. Watch the scene play out, accept that mission, and follow the Sandslash outside.

You will get a message telling you that the Sandslash went off in the direction of Icicle Cave, so follow it by going north out of town and into the cave.

When you go inside, you’ll see the Sandslash dig a hole through the cavern wall.

Go west from the entrance to Icicle Cave and you’ll see it. It leads to another cavern entirely, and the one where you can pick up this mission.

At the east end of the cave is an ancient tablet.
As soon as you go to touch it, a Ruin Maniac shows up and tells you about its history.
He gives you a Braille Converter so you can read what’s written on it. There are nine more tablets in Borrius, and he gives you a mission to find and read them all.
How to Complete
Tablet #1 – Icicle Cave
Requirements: Strength, Rock Climb
To solve the tablet, you’ll need to find a button plate somewhere in this chamber.

Go west until you’re near the exit to the Alolan Sandslash area.

You’ll see a rock climb wall leading up to a ledge with a Strength boulder on it. Climb up and you’ll be where you need to be.

You’ll need to use Strength to push the boulder on the button, which should be relatively straightforward but will require you to smash the upper two rocks on the ledge.

When you push the boulder on the button, there’ll be a huge rumbling in the cave.
Go back down to where the tablet is.

In the place of the tablet is now a cavern leading to a Raid Den – which means this tablet is solved.
Tablet #2 – Cinder Volcano
Requirements: Strength
For the second tablet, fly to Cinder Volcano and you’ll be outside the western entrance to 1F.

Head inside, then climb the ladder to the second floor.

Near the hiker on the west side of the cavern is a Strength boulder.

You’ll need to push it all the way north and east to a switch on a peninsula sticking out into the lava.

There’s no puzzle involved, it’s just pushing it in a particular direction.

When you push the boulder on the button, another stepping stone will appear in the lava and you’ll feel a rumbling.

Head across the stones in the lava until you get to the other side, then walk north.

There once was a tablet here – now it’s gone, replaced by a Raid Den. Tablet solved.
Tablet #3 – Valley Cave
Requirements: Rock Climb
Fly to Crater Town and head down into the crater to enter Valley Cave. Before you do, make sure you’ve got at least one Bug-type Pokémon in your party.

Then, once inside, go all the way south until you see a Gentleman.

The Gentleman is above a tablet, accessible by a Rock Climb wall.
Speak to him, and he’ll tell you about the inscription. You’ll need to find a switch to open the tablet, and you passed it earlier.

On the way to the Gentleman, right near the Pokémon Ranger, is a rock that hides a button.
However, you’ll need to make sure that the Bug-type Pokémon is in the first spot of your party before pressing it.

If you did things correctly, the cavern will shake.
Head back to the Gentleman and he’ll be very surprised.
When you climb down the rock wall, you’ll have access to the Raid Den now.

Tablet #4 – Frost Mountain
Requirements: Rock Climb
Fly to Frost Mountain and head on inside, walking through 1F until you reach the northwest corner.

Climb the rock wall here and you’ll find yourself next to the fourth tablet.

The tablet’s inscription reads “ENGAGING FROM BEHIND IS THE KEY”, but that doesn’t really make sense in this area.
However, if you make your way to the southeast part of the cavern, it will become clear.

There will be a raised platform with a big rock in the middle of it, and a rock wall on its west side. Climb it, and you’ll see an Aggron below, turning and facing multiple directions rapidly.

You’ll need to sneak up on it from behind and touch its back to solve the puzzle, but this is easier said than done.
If the Aggron catches you, it will blow you away with a roar and you’ll need to try again.
There are two ways to do this:
- Become so fast, like with the Motorcycle’s turbo boost, that the Aggron can’t spin around in time
- Or make sure you are not dashing automatically while walking when you approach, because it will immediately spot you otherwise.

Aggron disappears when you finally touch its back, and there will be a rumble in the cavern.

The tablet will now be solved and the Raid Den is open.
Tablet #5 – Thundercap Mountain
Requirements: Rock Climb, Rock Smash, Strength, Surf
Fly to Epidimy Town and head into Thundercap Mountain from there.

Once you’re inside, walk east until you get to the ladder to the 2F main cavern and climb it.

When you’re on that floor, head east until you’re in the middle of the cave and can see a ladder that was previously blocked by a Grunt during your first visit here.

The Grunt will be gone, and you are free to climb it to the Tablet Chamber on 3F.

The ancient tablet is in the center of the chamber, and it gives you the clue “PRESSURE ELSEWHERE IS THE KEY”.
This puzzle needs to be solved in two parts, and the first part can be done in the Electivire Chamber on 4F.

To get there, go south and then east across the bridge path and you’ll see the ladder to 4F.

Once you’re on the fourth floor, go south, up some stairs onto a platform and cross the bridge.

Go past the cyclist until you reach another bridge leading to the northwest part of the chamber.

Once you cross that one you’ll see a small area with a Strength boulder and a hole that it needs to be pushed into. To do that, you’ll need to Rock Smash until the path is clear.

Pushing the Strength boulder in this hole solves half of the overall puzzle.
To continue, go back all the way to the main cavern on 2F and walk to the northwest section.

When you get there, you’ll see a rock wall – climb it.

This section has a lot of back-and-forth between two levels.
Head north from where you climbed and you’ll see a series of bridges.

Pass the worker, then go north across the bridge, down the stairs to the west, and then down to where you have the choice of two cliffs to jump over.
Choose the east cliff to proceed.
This leads to a small stairway, another bridge, some more one-way cliff jumps to the north, and a ladder to the east.

Ignore that ladder and go north to the two jump cliffs. Take the west one.

Follow the path northwest until you see another ladder.

You’ll end up on the northern side of a chamber on 3F. You’ll need to push boulders out of the way to get to the next ladder, and there are two trainers along the way as well.

Once you get to the next ladder, it’s just a short walk across yet another bridge to find another one.

You’ll end up in the northeast corner on 3F, and find yourself with another boulder puzzle.

This one is simple enough, but requires some smashed rocks.
Step 1: From the starting position, push the top boulder left.
Step 2: Then, push the southernmost boulder you can reach south, revealing a smashable rock.

Step 3: Turn to the east and smash the rock.

Step 4: Go to the boulder north of where the smashed rock was and push it south.

Step 5: Push the same boulder east onto the button.

This accomplishes two things: clearing a path to the final ladder, and solving the tablet puzzle in the tablet chamber.

With all of that done, go down the ladder.

Follow the path out by jumping over the southern cliff.

Then, take the west cliff and you’ll be able to exit the northwest section.
Once out, go back to the tablet chamber on 3F.

The tablet is gone, and a Raid Den entrance is in its place. The fifth tablet is solved.
Tablet #6 – Ruins of Void
Requirements: Pokémon Championship, ADM
For the sixth tablet, go to the Ruins of Void. There’s a tablet in B3F, but it is actually solved from elsewhere.

When you arrive on the landing platform, climb the rocks to the left of the cave entrance. They’ll take you to the first ledge level.

Go west along the ledge until you see another spot for you to climb the rocks down.

You’ll be back down at water level, and you’ll see an A-shaped deep patch of water just to the west of you.
Surf over to the deep patch and press A – you’ll be prompted to dive beneath the waves.

Once you’re underwater, go east.

You will soon pass an opening to the north.
Keep going east, through a narrow gap.

There’s another spot to dive up here – ignore it and go north through another narrow passage.

Keep going through the narrow passage, and it will soon widen.

When the passage gets wider, you’ll see another point where you can ascend to the surface.

Press B in the middle of the patch of sunlight and you’ll return.

When you resurface, you’ll be right next to the entrance to a new part of the ruins.
Head on inside.

If you haven’t been to this area before, you’ll have to go through a stealth puzzle.
The maze is filled with moving Claydol. If they spot you, they’ll teleport you back to a checkpoint and you’ll need to try that section again.
Head west until you see an intersection.

Go south, and the hallway will curve around. There will be a Claydol in this area, so be careful it does not see you.

At the end of the passage is a switch that you’ll need to push. It will then unlock a section in B3F.
Go back there by using Dig or retracing your steps.

B3F is accessed through the cavern right next to the Fly point of the Ruins of Void, so it’s easy enough to return to.
At the first intersection, go north.

Keep going north until you see a fork with Dusclops in the west passage. Without that switch, this area would have had a gate blocking it.

The Dusclops turn around in random directions, and will send you back to the beginning if they spot you.
Tip: Make sure you’re not sprinting when you walk past them, or they will catch you immediately.

When you make your way past all the Dusclops, you’ll see another switch you need to flip.
Do so, then make your way out of the passage and back to the intersection.

From there, go north a little until you see a passage to the east. Head down it until you get to another intersection.

Then, continue east to the passage that winds around. Be aware that there are Bronzong in this passage that act the same way as the Dusclops and Claydol.
Keep going until you see another switch.

It is extremely difficult to flip this switch because the two Bronzong are constantly looking in different directions and one of them is usually looking where you want to go.

However, it is the final switch, so as soon as you succeed, go back to the floor entrance.
Then go east from the entrance intersection and you’ll see a gap in the wall where a tablet once was. Tablet solved.

Tablet #7 – Crystal Peak
Requirements: Pokémon Championship
Fly to Crystal Peak and head inside. Then make your way to the crystal chamber.

Activate the orange and yellow totems so only blue crystals remain.
Then, go to the main chamber on 1F, climb down the blue crystal wall, and head to the southern blue totem.

Slide the blue crystal upwards and it will remove all crystal barriers from the cavern.
Continue southeast.

The door previously blocked by a crystal arch is now open, and you can head on inside.

Stand in the corner of the raised platform, in the middle of the four dots, and wait there for a while. Eventually, you’ll feel rumbling elsewhere in the caves.

Leave the room and go east, surfing across a pond and then north up a waterfall.

Then once you’re on the upper level, surf north to dry land and follow the path west while it loops around the rock formation in the middle.

There used to be a tablet here, but now there’s a Raid Den in its place.
Tablet #8 – Victory Road
Requirements: Pokémon Championship, Surf with a Fire-type Pokémon or ADM
Fly to Victory Road and head inside the entrance.

Now that you’re Pokémon Champion, the rock wall on the west side will be accessible.

Make your way to the ladder here and climb down to find yourself in a chamber filled with lava.

You’ll need to surf into the lava to progress, so make sure you either have a Fire-type in your party or an ADM.

The tablet is on the north side of the room, and tells you to “move like a clock, and finish in the middle.”
There are five platforms with five buttons on them that you need to press in the correct order to solve this tablet.

Start with the northwest button by pushing the boulder on to it. Then, continue clockwise.

Activate the northeast button, then go south to the southeast platform.

Push the boulder on the southeast button and surf across the lava west to the southwest platform.

Do the same to the southwest button, and then cross the lava northeast to the center platform.

One final boulder to push, and you’ll have solved the puzzle.

The tablet will have been destroyed and the Raid Den is open. Only one tablet to go.
Tablet #9 – Ruins of Void, Underwater
Requirements: Pokémon Championship
Go back to the Ruins of Void underwater section you were at earlier.

Then, go east until you see the cavern opening.

Go through it and you’ll be in another section of underwater cave.

Keep following the passage along until you find another cave entrance.

Go inside that one, and you’ll be in another passage.

Once you’re there, head north through the seaweed and follow the passage around when it turns to the east.

There’s one more passage entrance you need to go through here.

When you’re in this last chamber, go south until you see a Pokémon.

It’s a Toxapex, and you’ll need to defeat it to solve the puzzle.
However, it won’t make it easy for you, because it’s at Lv.80 and Dynamaxes itself, requiring you to fight it with two Pokémon.
When the Toxapex is gone, go back out of the passages until you’re in the original one, then go east to follow the path you took to get to the Claydol area of the Ruins of Void.

However, instead of surfacing at that spot, go past it to the north.

This was where a tablet once was – and now it’s solved, revealing a Raid Den.
Completing the Mission

With all nine tablets complete, go back to the Ruin Maniac in Icicle Cave and he’ll give you 5 Wishing Pieces. This will complete the mission.