Mission #009: Armoured Body
Start Location Seaport City, Breeder’s School – southeast Breeder
Unlock Requirements
Objectives Hatch 50 Pokémon Eggs
Reward Pokémon: Ditto

There’s a Breeder in the Seaport City Breeder’s School who wants you to hatch as many eggs as possible. If you hatch 50 eggs, he’ll give you a Ditto.

Starting the Mission

The Breeder’s School / Pokémon Unbound
The Breeder’s School

The Breeder’s School is west of the Seaport Marketplace in Seaport City.

The Breeder’s second challenge / Pokémon Unbound
The Breeder’s second challenge
When you complete Mission #023: Flaming Body, you’ll accept this mission by default.

How to Complete

The Pokemon Day Care / Pokémon Unbound
The Pokemon Day Care

The key is acquiring as many Eggs as possible, and hatching them as fast as possible.

There are a number of useful methods to do this quickly that are already outlined in our page on Mission #023: Flaming Body.

Your reward / Pokémon Unbound
Your reward

For hatching 50 Eggs, you’ll get a Ditto with perfect IVs.

Reward Pokémon

This is the second in a series of Egg-hatching quests – the finale is Mission #039: Master Incubator.

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