Magnolia Town – man between Moomoo Farm and Magnolia Cafe
Unlock Requirements
Completed main story missions up until Magnolia Town
All 8 Badges – to complete the quest
Find all 19 Vivillon in Borrius
Pokémon: Shiny Poke Ball-pattern Vivillon
In Magnolia Town there’s a Vivillon collector who wants you to find 19 Vivillon across Borrius in exchange for the prize in his collection – a Shiny Vivillon.
Starting the Mission
The Butterfly Collector
North of the Pokémon Center and between the Moomoo Farm house and the Magnolia Cafe outdoor area is a man with a mission for you.
Mission start
He’s a collector of Vivillon, and has released his collection into the wild.
You’ll have to hunt down 19 variants in West and East Borrius.
How to Complete
You can capture or defeat them
To get the full set you will need to at least obtain all eight Badges, since one of the Vivillon requires Victory Road access.
Note: You don’t need to capture them, just defeat them in battle and they’ll return to the trainer. You can try and catch them if you wish, though be aware their catching difficulty is extremely high.
A full list of Vivillon and their locations are below:
Vivillon Locations
Dresco Town
Northeast of the Poke Mart, accessed by the shore in the south
Route 6
Long grass in the southwest part of the route, near Auburn Waterway and Route 7 exits
Vivill Woods
Across the pond in the northeast part of the woods
Fallshore City
In the yard of the eastmost house
Route 5
Near the Trainer Tips sign in the central part of the route
High Plains
Auburn Waterway/Route 9
West of the Auburn Waterway gate, along the river
Icy Snow
Route 1
North of the icy pond in the middle of the route
Cootes Bog
Across the northwest pond, west of the Magnolia Town entrance
Route 18
Northwest part of the route, on the island with the Black Belt
Flower Paradise
Northwest, in the blue flower field
Seaport City
South of the Seaport City beach
Route 12
Accessed on the east side of the route, past the Beauty
Route 13
Rocky island west of Ocean Master Osean, near the border of Route 14
Victory Road 3F Snowy Approach
Northeast of Kyurem’s Cave
Route 9
In the section of woods once occupied by the Terror Granbull, accessed northwest of Route 10
Great Desert
On top of the middle rock in the west canyon
Magnolia Fields
Southeastern grove of the route, on the east side of the water
Route 16
Eastern side, north of the Beauty
Route 8
Middle of the route, near the Black Belt
If you manage to see all 19 then the collector will give you the 20th variant, which is the Poke Ball pattern. It’s Shiny as well.