Mission #017: Darwin Was Right
Start Location Fallshore City, Mission HQ 1F – Scientist
Unlock Requirements
  • Become Pokémon Champion
Objectives Evolve 151 Pokémon
Reward Pokemon: Mew
Item: Mewnium Z

In the Fallshore Mission HQ, a Scientist on the first floor wants to see evolution in action. She will reward you with a Mew and a Mewnium Z if you evolve 151 Pokémon.

Starting the Mission

The Mission HQ is on the west side of Fallshore City just north of the Marketplace.

The Fallshore City Mission HQ / Pokémon Unbound
The Fallshore City Mission HQ

Speak to the Scientist in the first floor hallway and she’ll tell you about her evolution research. She wants you to help by evolving 151 Pokémon in total.

The Scientist wants you to evolve as many Pokémon as possible / Pokémon Unbound
The Scientist wants you to evolve as many Pokémon as possible

How to Complete

Evolving 151 Pokémon is a difficult task. During normal play of the game your Pokémon will evolve, but it’s likely you haven’t reached that magic number even if you’ve been grinding for a while.

The Mission Log will help keep track of how many you’ve already evolved and how many you need to complete it.

Note: Some Pokémon can only be obtained by evolving them, so this mission is best paired with Mission #069: The National Pokedex. By catching as many Pokémon as possible, you’ll naturally get many that need to be evolved.

You will often need to train them up to the level where they can evolve, or if they’re like Scyther, you just need to apply an item like the Metal Coat to them directly.

Prioritize obtaining Pokémon that can evolve from Evolution Stones or other Evolution Items first, because that’s quicker than waiting for them to reach the right level.

One Metal Coat gets one Scizor / Pokémon Unbound
One Metal Coat gets one Scizor

Once you’ve evolved 151 Pokémon, return to the scientist and she’ll give you a Mewnium Z along with the Mew to use it.

Reward Pokémon
(Lv. 1)
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