Mission #019: Dowsing Wizard
Start Location Tehl Town, Underground Pass – man in middle of tunnel
Unlock Requirements
  • Complete the main story missions up until Tehl Town
Objectives Find 150 hidden items
Reward Item: Gold Bottle Cap

A collector of junk in the Tehl Town Underground Pass wants you to find 150 hidden items across Borrius. If you succeed, he’ll give you a Gold Bottle Cap.

Starting the Mission

The entrance to the Underground Pass is in Tehl Town, inside the house behind the Poke Mart.

The Underground Pass entrance / Pokémon Unbound
The Underground Pass entrance

About halfway along the tunnel, before it bends west, you’ll see a man with a mission for you. He wants you to find 150 hidden items across Borrius.

The collector who wants you to find everything / Pokémon Unbound
The collector who wants you to find everything

Hidden items are not out in the open items as Poke Balls on the ground. Instead they are just sitting on specific tiles in the overworld with no visible marking. They can be found when pressing A in specific locations, such as on rocks, trees, or even open ground.

For help, check our list here dedicated to curating every hidden item in the game.

How to Complete

The researcher’s house / Pokémon Unbound
The researcher’s house

To make your life a lot easier when hunting down the hidden items, you can get the Dowsing Machine from Tehl Town.

One of Professor Log’s assistants lives in the northwest house, and if you go visit her she’ll give you this key item to help you find hidden items anywhere.

The Dowsing Machine / Pokémon Unbound
The Dowsing Machine
Tip: You can refer to our complete list of all hidden items if you want a reference point to complete this mission quickly.

For finding 150 hidden items, you’ll be given a rare Gold Bottle Cap.

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