Mission #020: Exp. Millionaire
Start Location Fallshore City, Mission HQ 1F – Lady near fridge
Unlock Requirements
  • Become Pokemon Champion
Objectives Earn 1,000,000 EXP in one day
Reward Item: 2 Lucky Eggs
Service: Lucky Egg Upgrades

In the Fallshore Mission HQ, a well-dressed lady would like you to earn at least 1 million EXP in one day. If you manage to complete this task, you’ll get 2 Lucky Eggs and the ability to upgrade the Lucky Egg multiplier.

Starting the Mission

The Mission HQ is on the west side of Fallshore City just north of the Marketplace.

The Fallshore City Mission HQ / Pokémon Unbound
The Fallshore City Mission HQ

On the first floor of the building, there’s a lady in the kitchen with a mission for you.

The lady in the kitchen / Pokémon Unbound
The lady in the kitchen

You’ll need to earn at least 1,000,000 EXP in a single day.

How to Complete

You can challenge the Elite Four again, and this will give a lot of EXP as they’re all high-level Pokémon.

Repeatable battles such as those at the Dresco Battle House and the Seaport City Camomons House would also be good.

Or Raid Dens are also a good source of EXP, and you can challenge each of the 32 Dens in Borrius at least once daily.

Search for a Metapod / Pokémon Unbound
Search for a Metapod
Tip: Having a Lucky Egg equipped on your Pokémon while they do any of these battles will also accelerate this process.

For completing the mission, you’ll receive 2 Lucky Eggs to put on more Pokémon, as well as the ability to upgrade the EXP multiplier effect.

Tip: To upgrade the Lucky Egg fully to Lv.10, you’ll need 28 Big Pearls and 9 Pearl Strings.
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