Mission #021: Extreme Hyperosmia
Start Location Route 5, Pokémon Day-Care – Breeder on west side
Unlock Requirements
  • Completed main story missions up until Route 5
Objectives Show a series of Pokémon bred with Incenses
Reward Item: Oval Charm

At the Pokémon Day-Care there’s a Breeder outside who wants to be shown a series of Baby Pokémon, some of whom need special breeding with Incense items. Your reward is an Oval Charm.

Starting the Mission

The Pokémon Day-Care is its own Fly point, north of Route 5.

The Baby Pokémon researcher / Pokémon Unbound
The Baby Pokémon researcher

The Breeder near the Day-Care Man wants to do some research into breeding with certain smells, and needs to be shown a series of Pokémon.

How to Complete

The first Pokémon is always a Budew / Pokémon Unbound
The first Pokémon is always a Budew

The Breeder will need to be shown a total of nine Pokémon. The first is always a Budew, but the following seven are in random order.

Four of them can be acquired by catching in the wild, and the other five need to be bred with Incenses.

Tip: The Ditto acquired as a reward from Mission 009: Armoured Body will come in handy with breeding the Baby Pokémon you need, because it will save you trying to find two of the same adult species (and in the case of the Munchlax, there is only one Snorlax, so breeding with a Ditto is likely the easiest option).

The table below details all the required baby Pokémon, which items you’ll need to breed them (and where to get each item), along with any other relevant details.

Baby Best Location Item Needed Extra Details

Tall grass on Route 4 None The quickest way to Route 4 is to Fly to Cinder Volcano and walk south.

Tall grass on Route 2 None One quick way to get to Route 2 is to fly to Dresco Town and then walk east.

Tall grass on Route 18 None Fly to Victory Road and you’ll be at the northern part of Route 18.

Routes 6, 7, 12, 16, 17 (Surfing) None Fly to Seaport City and walk south, then start surfing off the beach.

Breeding (from Wobbuffet) Lax Incense (hidden item on Route 8)

Wobbuffet can only be found in the Safari Zone in Polder Town.

Breed a Lax Incense-holding Wobbuffet with a compatible Pokémon, preferably a Ditto.

Breeding (from Chimecho) Pure Incense (gift from woman in the flower garden of Vivill Town)

Chimecho can be found on 1F of Rift Cave in Dehara City. The small entrance room is enough space to run around in to find one.

Breed a Chimecho holding the Pure Incense to get a Chingling egg.

Breeding (from Sudowoodo) Rock Incense (hidden item southwest of the Gurun Town entrance in the Great Desert)

Sudowoodo can be found in tall grass on Route 18.

Breed a Sudowoodo holding the Rock Incense with a compatible Pokémon to get a Bonsly egg.

Mime Jr.
Breeding (from Mr. Mime) Odd Incense (hidden item along the southern wall of the western chamber on B1F of Ruins of Void)

Mr. Mime can only be found as a swarm on Route 7.

Breeding (from Snorlax) Full Incense (hidden item up a Rock Climb wall on the western side of Frost Mountain 1F)

Only one Snorlax exists, and it’s in the post-game south of Redwood Village.

Since there’s only one Snorlax in the game, you will need to breed it with another member of the Monster Egg Group, or breed it with a Ditto. Make sure the Snorlax is holding the Full Incense before breeding to get your Munchlax Egg.

Tip: You can acquire all of the incenses out in the world as items to find, but if you don’t want to go searching, you can buy them each for P9,600 at Wiseman Gifts. Wiseman Gifts is the shop on 6F of the Dehara City Department Store. However, the shop will only appear after you have beaten the Pokémon League – so to complete this mission earlier you’ll need to hunt down the overworld locations of each incense.
The counter at Wiseman Gifts in Dehara City Department Store / Pokémon Unbound
The counter at Wiseman Gifts in Dehara City Department Store

Each time you show a new baby Pokémon to the breeder, you will get a free Heart Scale.

After showing all nine Pokémon and completing the mission, your reward is the Oval Charm.

Note: If you’re playing the game on New Game+ and already have the Oval Charm then your reward will instead be a Magby Egg that hatches with 31 IVs in every stat.
The reward for breeding all Pokémon / Pokémon Unbound
The reward for breeding all Pokémon
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