Mission #022: Fisher Master
Start Location Polder Town, North House near Croagunk – Fisherman inside
Unlock Requirements
Objectives Hook 100 Pokémon while Fishing
Reward Pokémon: Feebas

A Fisherman has received some corporate sponsorship and wants to give you some prizes every time you reach a fishing milestone. For completing his series of quests by hooking 100 Pokemon, he’ll give you a Feebas.

Starting the Mission

The Fishing missions are given by the Fisherman in his house next to the Croagunk show in Polder Town.

The Fisherman’s house in Polder Town / Pokémon Unbound
The Fisherman’s house in Polder Town

After completing Mission #026: Great Piscator, you will receive this quest right away. It’s the final mission this Fisherman gives you, and your goal is to hook 100 Pokémon.

Tip: Your previous total hooks count towards this one.

How to Complete

Fishing in Dresco Town / Pokémon Unbound
Fishing in Dresco Town

To complete the mission, you need to have hooked 100 Pokémon with a fishing rod.

Hooked means attracted into battle – you don’t have to capture or even defeat them, you can escape from battle and it will still count.

Tip: If you haven’t done Mission #55 yet, then completing Mission #055: Splishy Splash at the same time here will contribute at least 30 to this total, so make sure you’ve done that if you haven’t already.
The final reward from the Fisherman / Pokémon Unbound
The final reward from the Fisherman

When you achieve 100 hooked Pokémon, go back to the Fisherman and he’ll give you a Feebas.

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