Mission #023: Flaming Body
Start Location Seaport City, Breeder’s School – southeast Breeder
Unlock Requirements
  • Completed main story missions up until Seaport City
Objectives Hatch 10 Pokémon Eggs
Reward Item: Baby Monitor

There’s a Breeder in the Seaport City Breeder’s School who wants you to hatch as many eggs as possible. If you hatch 10 eggs he’ll give you a Baby Monitor key item.

Starting the Mission

The Breeder’s School is west of the Seaport Marketplace in Seaport City.

The Breeder’s School / Pokémon Unbound
The Breeder’s School
The Breeder’s challenge / Pokémon Unbound
The Breeder’s challenge

Talk to the Breeder in the southeast corner inside the building. He wants you to start hatching Pokémon Eggs – 10 of them at first.

How to Complete

Acquiring Eggs

The Pokemon Day Care on Route 5 / Pokémon Unbound
The Pokemon Day Care on Route 5

The most common method of acquiring Pokémon Eggs is to breed Pokémon at the Pokemon Day Care center on Route 5.

The Pokemon Day Care will breed Pokemon / Pokémon Unbound
The Pokemon Day Care will breed Pokemon

If you leave a male and a female Pokémon with the Day-Care Lady, they may produce an egg.

The best way of ensuring this happens is if the Pokémon are the same species – or, if they’re different species, one of them is a traded Pokémon. Keep in mind that Pokémon must be in the same Egg Group to breed.

Or alternatively, you can breed a Pokémon of any gender with a Ditto.

Ditto can be caught in Route 5, Route 10, and Auburn Waterway. If you have access to the post-game, you can get Ditto by Surfing or Fishing at Cube Corp.

The Day-Care Man will give you the Egg / Pokémon Unbound
The Day-Care Man will give you the Egg

Once you have two Pokémon in the Day Care, every 256 steps you take, there’s a chance for them to make an Egg.

You’ll need to check periodically with the Day-Care Man outside to see if he’s kept any Eggs for you. If you don’t have space in your team, he’ll send them to a PC Box.

The Day-Care Man’s sister / Pokémon Unbound
The Day-Care Man’s sister

Another source of Eggs is the Day-Care Man’s sister.

There’s a certain time each day where the Day-Care Man’s sister will appear on one of the outside tables of the Magnolia Town Cafe.

Egg-Giver Schedule
Day Time
Monday 5pm-8pm
Tuesday 8pm-12am
Wednesday 8am-12pm
Thursday 12pm-2pm
Friday 2pm-5pm
Saturday 5pm-8pm
Sunday 2pm-5pm
Day Care Man’s Sister / Pokémon Unbound
Day Care Man’s Sister

The first time you see her each day, she’ll give you a rare Egg for free. If you want another Egg, it’ll cost you P50,000, and every egg after that will cost you P100,000.

It’s expensive, but it is the only way to get certain Pokémon.

Hatching Eggs

An Egg hatches / Pokémon Unbound
An Egg hatches

You hatch Eggs by putting them in your Pokémon party – a maximum of 5 eggs plus your last Pokémon – and walking around with them.

An Egg Cycle is 256 steps, and each Pokémon species has a set number of Egg Cycles it takes to hatch one of their eggs, with the vast majority of them being at least 20 Egg Cycles.

Tip #1: Rarer Pokémon can take longer to hatch – 120 Egg Cycles is the record.
Tip #2: If you have a Pokémon with the ability Flame Body or Magma Armor in your party, Egg hatch time is halved.

For missions like this though that require hatching a lot of Eggs, you could also just cheat by using the Turbo function on your emulator.

The Baby Monitor / Pokémon Unbound
The Baby Monitor

If you manage to hatch 10 Eggs, return to the Breeder and he’ll give you the Baby Monitor.

This is the first in a series of Egg-hatching quests – the next is Mission #009: Armoured Body.

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