Mission #028: Herd But Not Seen
Start Location Magnolia Town, Moomoo Ranch – female Rancher inside farmhouse
Unlock Requirements
Objectives Rescue the kidnapped Miltank from the Terror Granbull Goons
Reward Item: 100 Moomoo Milks

If you went through the Battle of Antisis and you’ve become Pokémon Champion, you’ll be asked to help rescue Magnolia Town’s herd of Miltank from the Terror Granbull. If you succeed, Moomoo Ranch will give you 100 Moomoo Milks.

Starting the Mission

Moomoo Ranch farmhouse / Pokémon Unbound
Moomoo Ranch farmhouse

Fly to Magnolia Town and go to the Moomoo Ranch farmhouse, in the northwest part of town. If you’re Pokémon Champion and have completed Mission #060: The Battle of Antisis, the pen opposite the farmhouse will have no Miltank in it.

Head inside the farmhouse.

The rescue mission / Pokémon Unbound
The rescue mission

The Miltank have been taken by the Terror Granbull, and you’ll need to track them down in Magnolia Fields.

How to Complete

Walk through the east exit of Magnolia Town and you’ll end up in Magnolia Fields.

Magnolia Fields entrance / Pokémon Unbound
Magnolia Fields entrance

Head south through the gap in the fence and make your way through the wooded path east.

Go north from here / Pokémon Unbound
Go north from here

When you pass the male Rancher and see some long grass to the east, take the northern path going up until you see some Cut trees.

Go through the trees / Pokémon Unbound
Go through the trees

You’ll need to cut your way through one of them to get into this section – for simplicity’s sake, make it the left tree. Then follow the path forward.

The Terror Granbull are spotted / Pokémon Unbound
The Terror Granbull are spotted

Head west through the little grove here and you’ll soon spot where the goons are.

The plan is not going well / Pokémon Unbound
The plan is not going well

After you chased them out of Cootes Bog, the Terror Granbull have decided to set up an illegal Miltank milking operation, but they’re not having much luck.

The Miltank end up running off in three different directions.

Beat the goons / Pokémon Unbound
Beat the goons

Gruff will try to warn his goons when you approach, but two will still challenge you, and they’ll be easy to defeat.

Granbull Goon Fights
Terror Granbull Goon A
Terror Granbull Goon B
James shows up to unite the gangs / Pokémon Unbound
James shows up to unite the gangs

When you beat them, James of the Black Emboar arrives with an offer for the Granbull to join the new combined Black Horizon, which they do.

James will say hello and leave, and you can then work on rescuing those three Miltank.

First Miltank

Head north from where the Granbull were, and Cut the eastern tree of the pair blocking your way through.

You’ll then see the Miltank in the east corner.

Go north and cut the east tree / Pokémon Unbound
Go north and cut the east tree

The way to move these Miltank is very much like a boulder puzzle, except instead of using Strength, if you talk to them from one particular side they run away from you in the opposite direction.

So, talking to them is effectively pushing them.

Here’s how to handle the first Miltank:

Step 1: Push the Miltank west.

The first step / Pokémon Unbound
The first step

Step 2: Push the Miltank south.

Second step / Pokémon Unbound
Second step

Step 3: Push the Miltank east.

Third step / Pokémon Unbound
Third step

Step 4: Push the Miltank south.

Fourth Step / Pokémon Unbound
Fourth Step

Step 5: Push the Miltank east.

Fifth Step / Pokémon Unbound
Fifth Step

Step 6: Push the Miltank south.

Sixth Step / Pokémon Unbound
Sixth Step

Step 7: Push the Miltank east.

Seventh Step / Pokémon Unbound
Seventh Step

Step 8: Push the Miltank south.

Eighth Step / Pokémon Unbound
Eighth Step

Step 9: Push the Miltank east.

Ninth step / Pokémon Unbound
Ninth step

Step 10: Cut the tree in front of the Miltank. You may have cut the other one on the way through here – if you have, just make sure both trees are cut.

Then push the Miltank all the way east after cutting the trees.

Tenth Step / Pokémon Unbound
Tenth Step

Step 11: Push the Miltank south.

Eleventh Step / Pokémon Unbound
Eleventh Step

Step 12: Push the Miltank west.

Twelfth step / Pokémon Unbound
Twelfth step

Step 13: Push the Miltank south.

Thirteenth step / Pokémon Unbound
Thirteenth step

Step 14: Push the Miltank west.

Fourteenth step / Pokémon Unbound
Fourteenth step

Step 15: Cut the north tree blocking the passage.

Fifteenth step / Pokémon Unbound
Fifteenth step

Step 16: Push the Miltank south.

Sixteenth step / Pokémon Unbound
Sixteenth step

Step 17: Push the Miltank west.

Seventeenth step / Pokémon Unbound
Seventeenth step

Step 18: Push the Miltank north.

Eighteenth step / Pokémon Unbound
Eighteenth step

Step 19: Push the Miltank west.

Nineteenth step / Pokémon Unbound
Nineteenth step

Step 20: Push the Miltank north.

Twentieth step / Pokémon Unbound
Twentieth step

Step 21: Push the Miltank west into Magnolia Town, and that should be it for the first one.

Twenty-first step / Pokémon Unbound
Twenty-first step

Second Miltank

The second Miltank to rescue / Pokémon Unbound
The second Miltank to rescue

Go back to the Miltank you passed on the way (as pictured above). This is the second one you need to rescue.

Here are the exact steps to follow:

Step 1: Push the Miltank north, then push the Miltank west from there.

First step / Pokémon Unbound
First step

Step 2: Push the Miltank south, then push it west.

Note: During the preceding two moves you need to avoid the moving Rancher, who will complicate things depending on where you bump into him. Be careful to execute the south and east moves without him in the middle.
Second step / Pokémon Unbound
Second step

Step 3: Push the Miltank south, taking care to avoid the Rancher again.

Third step / Pokémon Unbound
Third step

Step 4: Push the Miltank west.

Fourth step / Pokémon Unbound
Fourth step

Step 5: Push the Miltank south.

Fifth step / Pokémon Unbound
Fifth step

Step 6: Push the Miltank west.

Sixth step / Pokémon Unbound
Sixth step

Step 7: Push the Miltank north.

Seventh step / Pokémon Unbound
Seventh step

Step 8: Push the Miltank west into Magnolia Town, completing the second rescue.

Eighth step / Pokémon Unbound
Eighth step

Third Miltank

The third Miltank to rescue / Pokémon Unbound
The third Miltank to rescue

The third Miltank is behind the Cut trees just north of the Trainer Tips sign near where you talked to the Terror Granbull. Check the screenshot above for its exact location.

Start by cutting the easternmost tree here, then go over to the right-hand side of the Miltank.

Here’s the step-by-step solution for this one:

Step 1: Push the Miltank west.

First step / Pokémon Unbound
First step

Step 2: Push the Miltank south.

Second step / Pokémon Unbound
Second step

Step 3: Push the Miltank east.

Third Step / Pokémon Unbound
Third Step

Step 4: Push the Miltank south.

Fourth step / Pokémon Unbound
Fourth step

Step 5: Push the Miltank east.

Fifth step / Pokémon Unbound
Fifth step

Step 6: Push the Miltank south.

Sixth step / Pokémon Unbound
Sixth step

Step 7: Push the Miltank west.

Seventh step / Pokémon Unbound
Seventh step

Step 8: Push the Miltank south.

Eighth step / Pokémon Unbound
Eighth step

Step 9: Push the Miltank west.

Ninth step / Pokémon Unbound
Ninth step

Step 10: Push the Miltank south.

Tenth step / Pokémon Unbound
Tenth step

Step 11: Push the Miltank west.

Eleventh step / Pokémon Unbound
Eleventh step

Step 12: Push the Miltank north.

Twelfth step / Pokémon Unbound
Twelfth step

Step 13: Push the Miltank west.

Thirteenth step / Pokémon Unbound
Thirteenth step

Step 14: Push the Miltank north.

Fourteenth step / Pokémon Unbound
Fourteenth step

Step 15: Push the Miltank west, and that will be all three Miltank rescued.

Fifteenth step / Pokémon Unbound
Fifteenth step

When the third Miltank makes it home, head back to the farmhouse to pick up your reward – 100 Moo Moo Milks.

The Miltank have been rescued / Pokémon Unbound
The Miltank have been rescued
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