Mission #029: Hero of the Hall
Start Location Route 18, Pokémon Center – Cameraman at east table
Unlock Requirements
  • Completed main story missions up until Victory Road
Objectives Defeat the Pokémon League with 18 different monotype teams, 1 for each Type
Reward Item: 1000BP, 18 Big Nuggets, HeartGold/Soul Silver Costume

In the Pokémon Center just before Victory Road, a cameraman gives you a pretty tough challenge – defeat the Pokémon League eighteen times with a team of a single type, one for each type.

Perform this massive feat and he’ll give you 1000BP and 18 Big Nuggets.

Starting the Mission

Go to the Victory Road Fly point, which is right in front of the Pokémon Center on Route 18.

Then go inside the building.

The Victory Road Pokemon Center / Pokémon Unbound
The Victory Road Pokemon Center

The man with the camera at the eastern table has a mission for you, and it is probably one of the longest and most difficult missions of the game.

The daunting challenge / Pokémon Unbound
The daunting challenge

Not only do you have to defeat the Elite Four and become Champion, but you need to do it with a different monotype team eighteen times.

A monotype team means only Pokémon of the same type.

How to Complete

You’ll probably want to defeat the Pokémon League with your own main team first, if you haven’t already, before worrying about this mission.

There are eighteen Types in Pokémon:

  • Normal
  • Fighting
  • Flying
  • Poison
  • Ground
  • Rock
  • Bug
  • Ghost
  • Steel
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Grass
  • Electric
  • Psychic
  • Ice
  • Dragon
  • Dark
  • Fairy

You’ll need to get a monotype team of each of those eighteen types and defeat the Pokémon League once with each of them.

This means training a whole lot of Pokémon all at once up to at least Lv.70 – or Lv.80 to be safe, which can be a time-consuming process.

If you manage to do all of that and return to the cameraman, your perseverance will be rewarded.

He’ll give you 1,000BP, 18 Big Nuggets, and the HeartGold/SoulSilver outfit in the Costume Box.

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