Mission #030: Home for a Hobo
Start Location Epidimy Town, old man near Pokémon Center
Unlock Requirements
  • Completed main story missions up until Seaport City
Objectives Find a new home for an old man in Epidimy Town by helping out a landlord in Seaport City
Reward Item: Icium Z

An old man in Epidimy Town is homeless and needs your help to find a vacant house. The only suitable vacant apartment is in Seaport City, and you’ll have to help out its landlord before he’ll give it to the old man.

If you do that though, your prize is the Icium Z.

Starting the Mission

The old man in front of the Epidimy Pokémon Center / Pokémon Unbound
The old man in front of the Epidimy Pokémon Center

Speak to the old man wandering near the Pokémon Center in Epidimy Town.

The mission for a house / Pokémon Unbound
The mission for a house

The old man needs somewhere to live. There are no houses available in Epidimy Town, so you’ll need to look much further afield.

How to Complete

The apartment building in Seaport City / Pokémon Unbound
The apartment building in Seaport City

In Seaport City there’s an apartment building north of the Marketplace.

The upper floor has a vacant apartment, and it’s the one you need to give to the old man.

The landlord of the building / Pokémon Unbound
The landlord of the building

The man on the couch in the hallway of this building is the landlord.

However, first you’ll need to do something for him, and it turns out to be more complicated than it seems.

A couple of thugs have taken the landlord’s prized Skitty, and you’ll need to track them down.

The thugs are near the southwest beach entrance / Pokémon Unbound
The thugs are near the southwest beach entrance

You can find Swizer and Bullo near the steps that lead to the beach on the southwest side of town.

They’ll give you a Double Battle, and when you beat them they’ll run off.

Burglar Swizer and Black Ferrothorn Bullo
Time to head back to the house / Pokémon Unbound
Time to head back to the house

The landlord is grateful, but you’ll need to walk him back home for your reward.

Returning the Landlord

The KBT Expressway entrance / Pokémon Unbound
The KBT Expressway entrance

However, when you get there, he mysteriously disappears.

Swizer shows up to gloat, and tells you if you want him back, you’ll need to go to the western Seaport warehouse – the one just near the beach entrance – to take on him and his gang.

There’s weird restrictions though – you need to bring only Ice and Fairy-type Pokémon (double types are fine, so long as at least one of them is Ice or Fairy). Prepare your team – this may be difficult if you haven’t trained those typings.

Seaport City West Warehouse entrance / Pokémon Unbound
Seaport City West Warehouse entrance

If you’re all set, head to the warehouse.

Swizer checks you’re following the rules / Pokémon Unbound
Swizer checks you’re following the rules

And it just so happens that the majority of the Pokémon these thugs have are super effective against Ice- or Fairy-types, which means that you’ll be at a severe type disadvantage the whole time.

Tip: It’s recommended that you use Alolan Ninetales, evolved from the Alolan Vulpix Egg you get from Mission #043: Nine Tales of Snow. There are also Ice-types that you can catch in Icy Hole such as Sealeo, Piloswine and Jynx, which might only need a bit of leveling beforehand.
Entering the warehouse / Pokémon Unbound
Entering the warehouse

Once Swizer is satisfied you’re following the rules, he allows you to go downstairs to face the goon gauntlet.

Warehouse Trainers
Black Ferrothorn Goon and Burglar Milan
Alolan Sandshrew
Black Ferrothorn Goon and Burglar Colin
Black Ferrothorn Goon and Burglar Hernando
Black Ferrothorn Goon and Burglar Toby
The first intersection / Pokémon Unbound
The first intersection

Keep going south, passing an intersection along the way – there’s just a Worker there who hears the cry of a Mimikyu.

Continue west through the thin passage / Pokémon Unbound
Continue west through the thin passage

At the south end of the hallway is a Strength boulder and a narrow passage leading west into the mass of storage containers. Take the passage.

The first Double Battle pair / Pokémon Unbound
The first Double Battle pair

Every fight in here is a Double Battle, and this one is just the first, so make sure you’re prepared.

Once they’ve been defeated, go to the end of the passage and push the boulder out of the way so you can head north.

Tip: Be warned that this represents a path of no return, since the boulder resets behind you. You may want to use items to heal up after every single fight, because they’re pretty tough.

The landlord is rescued - now you just need to get out of here / Pokémon Unbound
The landlord is rescued – now you just need to get out of here

You’ll see the landlord to the north – talk to him and he’ll start following behind.

Take the west passage through the containers and you’ll get another Double Battle.

The second confrontation / Pokémon Unbound
The second confrontation

Once these goons are finished with, continue along the passage until you reach the western side of the warehouse. Follow the path down, and you’ll notice three passages leading east.

The first passage - head past it / Pokémon Unbound
The first passage – head past it

Go past the first passage you see, unless you want to catch a Mimikyu.

If you go along the bottom passage, you’ll be hit with an optional Double Battle. Take the middle passage first if you want to avoid it.

The three passages - the correct one to take to go forward is the middle one / Pokémon Unbound
The three passages – the correct one to take to go forward is the middle one

You’ll pass the ambush by and head east, straight into a Double Battle you can’t avoid.

The penultimate Double Battle / Pokémon Unbound
The penultimate Double Battle

Once you defeat this pair of goons, you’re free to make your escape from this floor of this warehouse.

The boulder is the way out / Pokémon Unbound
The boulder is the way out

Walk east and you’ll see that you can now push the boulder from the other side, freeing up the way to the entrance.

Leaving the Warehouse

The final battle / Pokémon Unbound
The final battle

As soon as you go upstairs, however, Swizer and Bullo are waiting for you. They’re not happy you managed to get this far, and want to take care of you personally.

Burglar Swizer and Black Ferrothorn Bullo
Freedom at last / Pokémon Unbound
Freedom at last

Should you be able to defeat them, they’ll allow you to take the landlord home.

The Old Man’s Apartment

As payment for rescuing him and his Skitty, he tells you that he’ll allow the old man in Epidimy Town to move into the upstairs apartment free of charge.

The old man can’t believe his luck / Pokémon Unbound
The old man can’t believe his luck

Fly back to Epidimy Town to give the old man the good news. He heads to his new apartment immediately.

Speak to him in Seaport City and he’ll give you the Icium Z, which upgrades Ice-type moves to Z-Moves if you give it to a Pokémon to hold.

Your very valuable reward / Pokémon Unbound
Your very valuable reward
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