Mission #031: Honey Gather
Start Location Flower Paradise, Northeast Field – woman in red flower field
Unlock Requirements
  • Complete the main story missions up until Dresco Town
Objectives Collect 3 Honey from Combee
Reward Item: TM62 Silver Wind

In the Flower Fields, there’s a woman who wants you to get 3 drops of Honey from Combee in the area. Your reward for doing so is TM62 Silver Wind.

Starting the Mission

Flower Paradise is north of Dresco Town. Take the north road out of Dresco and continue straight in that direction along Route 3 until you see an entrance into some trees.

The entrance to Flower Paradise on Route 3 / Pokémon Unbound
The entrance to Flower Paradise on Route 3

You’ll arrive in an area filled with flowers.

Head northeast until you see a woman in the middle of a patch of red flowers.

The mission giver in the red flower field / Pokémon Unbound
The mission giver in the red flower field

She’ll ask you to get 3 samples of Honey from Combee in the area.

How to Complete

Searching in the Flower Fields / Pokémon Unbound
Searching in the Flower Fields

Combee can be found while walking through any color of flower in Flower Paradise.

Every Combee found is holding a Honey, so you have a few options as to acquire it:

  • Catch 3 Combee and take the Honey from them
  • Battle 3 Combee and use Thief, Covet or Knock Off to take the items

When you deliver all 3 Honeys to the lady in the flower fields, she’ll give you TM62 Silver Wind as thanks.

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