Mission #033: If We Were Meant to Fly
Start Location Blizzard City, Blizzard City Gym – Alice
Unlock Requirements
  • Defeat the Blizzard City Gym and earn the Flying Badge
Objectives Collect 20 Pretty Wings from Wingull or Pelipper
Reward Item: Power Anklet

After defeating the Blizzard City Gym, its Gym Leader Alice gives you a mission – collect 20 Pretty Wings from Pelipper so she can fashion wings of her own to try and fly.

If you succeed, she will give you the Power Anklet.

Starting the Mission

Head to the Blizzard Gym in the northeast part of Blizzard City, but only after you’ve beaten Alice the Gym Leader.

Blizzard City Gym / Pokémon Unbound
Blizzard City Gym

If you have, Alice is out front, and she will ask you to find 20 Pretty Wings on Wingull or Pelipper.

How to Complete

Pretty Wings have a 50 per cent chance to be held by Wingull or Pelipper.

Using the DexNav is the easiest way of doing this. So just find a spot where you’re guaranteed to find Pelipper, like the waters south of Dresco City.

Fishing in Cootes Bog / Pokémon Unbound
Fishing in Cootes Bog

Then search for Pelipper using the DexNav, and only approach one if the icon in the bottom left shows it is holding an item.

They can also very rarely hold a Lucky Egg, so be aware of that.

Tip: You’ll need to use a move like Thief, Knock Off or Covet to get the Pretty Wings off the Pelipper.

Do this until you’ve got 20, and then return to Alice so she can complete her experiment. Your reward for participating in Alice’s little flight is a Power Anklet.

The Power Anklet / Pokémon Unbound
The Power Anklet
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