Mission #034: Island Saviour
Start Location Auburn Waterway, small northeast island – Hiker Finn
Unlock Requirements
  • Completed main story missions up until the end of Dehara City
  • A Pokémon that knows Dig
Objectives Help a Hiker explore the Lost Tunnel
Reward Item: TM28 Dig

If you’ve got a Pokémon that knows Dig, go to a small island in the Auburn Waterway to help a Hiker navigate the Lost Tunnel. Once you’re both through, he’ll give you TM28 Dig.

Starting the Mission

Auburn Waterway begins / Pokémon Unbound
Auburn Waterway begins

The Auburn Waterway can be reached by going south of Route 6 through the gatehouse.

Surf into the waterway and continue along until you reach a small island in the northeast corner of the route.

The small island / Pokémon Unbound
The small island

You’ll see a Hiker on that island – that’s who you need to speak to for the mission.

How to Complete

Hiker Finn has a task for you / Pokémon Unbound
Hiker Finn has a task for you

The Hiker is in a bit of a jam – his Pokémon dug a tunnel up here to the island, but apparently it learned a new move when it leveled up and forgot how to use Dig.

He needs you to get a Pokémon who knows Dig to help him find the tunnel again and the way out.

Tip: If you don’t have one already, it’s recommended to go to Cinder Volcano Depths – where you fought the Light of Ruin and Groudon – and catch an Excadrill. It should know Dig by default.

But the hiker will challenge you to a battle first.

Hiker Finn
level scales
level scales

Once you’ve beaten him, your Pokémon will automatically use Dig and you’ll find yourself in a dark tunnel.

Sure is dark in here / Pokémon Unbound
Sure is dark in here

When you first arrive here, you won’t be able to see more than a tile around you in all directions. Having a Pokémon with Flash will not help.

There’s no way back up – the only way is forward out of the tunnel’s only other exit. Luckily, you landed in a spot with a healing Chansey, so at least you can make sure your team is healthy.

There’s a Chansey behind you / Pokémon Unbound
There’s a Chansey behind you

From where you landed, proceed south until you see a T-junction. Ignore it and continue on south.

The path will then turn to the west.

The second T-junction / Pokémon Unbound
The second T-junction

You will eventually hit another T-junction. Follow the path going up north this time.

You’ll come to yet another T-junction, and this time you want to take the western path.

The third T-junction / Pokémon Unbound
The third T-junction

This leads to a four-way intersection and there’s a sudden earthquake at this point. You’ll then be attacked by a Diglett.

It scales to your level, so it might be a tough fight no matter what – unless you know a Water move or two, of course.

That was a tough Diglett / Pokémon Unbound
That was a tough Diglett

After the fight, take the south path from that intersection – it will hook around to the west, and eventually you’ll be attacked again. This time, it’s a Golem.

The cave seems hostile / Pokémon Unbound
The cave seems hostile

After you’ve taken care of the Golem, you’ll notice you’re at another T-junction.

Head north here, and the path will eventually take a turn west.

Yet another T-junction / Pokémon Unbound
Yet another T-junction

From there, walk north, and there’s another choice to make.

Surely you’re near the end now / Pokémon Unbound
Surely you’re near the end now

Take the east path here, and when you come to another intersection, ignore it and keep heading east.

Then there will be a slight north turn before you’ll come to the final T-junction.

The final T-junction at last / Pokémon Unbound
The final T-junction at last

Head east from there, and it won’t be long before you’re ambushed by another Pokémon – this time a Dugtrio.

After three battles, it seems like the Lost Tunnel is done with you.

Keep going east, ignoring a blocked-off passage, and you’ll eventually find what you’ve been looking for all this time – a way out.

The way out / Pokémon Unbound
The way out

This ladder will lead you and the Hiker out of the area.

The Hiker is grateful enough to give you a gift – TM28 Dig.

Your reward / Pokémon Unbound
Your reward

Head north out of this tunnel and you’ll find yourself in a section of the KBT Expressway, close to Fallshore City and Epidimy Town.

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