Mission #036: Leg Day
Start Location Route 5, west of the Lapras from Route 4
Unlock Requirements
  • Completed main story missions up until Route 5
Objectives Walk 150,000 steps
Reward Item: 50 Carbos

There’s a jogger along Route 5 who wants you to join him in some exercise – walk 150,000 steps, and he’ll give you 50 Carbos.

Starting the Mission

Cinder Volcano flight point / Pokémon Unbound
Cinder Volcano flight point

Fly to Cinder Volcano and head south to the bridge with the Lapras on it.

The Lapras to Route 5 / Pokémon Unbound
The Lapras to Route 5

Take the Lapras down the waterfall to Route 5.

From the dock, go up the stairs – and then when you see a patch of long grass to the west, go through it.

Route 5 / Pokémon Unbound
Route 5
Continue past the Collector / Pokémon Unbound
Continue past the Collector

Pass the Collector and you’ll see a path surrounded by fences – take this path west until you see a man jogging around.

The jogger on Route 5 / Pokémon Unbound
The jogger on Route 5

He’s the one with the mission for you.

The jogger wants you to walk everywhere / Pokémon Unbound
The jogger wants you to walk everywhere

You’ll need to walk 150,000 steps to complete it.

How to Complete

Walking with a purpose / Pokémon Unbound
Walking with a purpose

Over the course of your journey to the Pokémon League, you will no doubt walk more than 150,000 steps. This mission is generally just a matter of time.

The Underground Pass in Tehl Town might be good as a long path with only one bend in it for you to grind steps up and down, if you want to complete it in a hurry.

You can check your progress by opening the Mission Log and seeing if you can turn in the reward yet.

Your reward is 50 Carbos.

Carbos to speed up your Pokémon / Pokémon Unbound
Carbos to speed up your Pokémon
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