Mission #038: Major Miner
Start Location Crater Town, outside Pokémon Center – Ruin Maniac
Unlock Requirements
  • Become Pokémon Champion
  • ADM from Seaport Shipyard
Objectives Capture 3 Carbink from the tunnels in the KBT Expressway
Reward Item: Diancite

After becoming Champion and acquiring the ADM from Seaport Shipyard, talk to a Ruin Maniac to receive a mission where you’ll do a lot of digging. You’ll need to use the ADM to find and capture 3 Carbink in the KBT Expressway, and if you do that, you’ll get a Diancite.

Starting the Mission

The Ruin Maniac, next to the Pokemon Center / Pokémon Unbound
The Ruin Maniac, next to the Pokemon Center

When you have the ADM after you become Pokémon Champion, fly to Crater Town and speak to the Ruin Maniac wandering the road west of the Pokémon Center.

Mission received / Pokémon Unbound
Mission received

He’ll ask you to use the ADM to dig through collapsed doorways in the KBT Expressway in search of 3 Carbink.

How to Complete

Light Clay are required / Pokémon Unbound
Light Clay are required

You may have noticed collapsed doorways lining the walls of the KBT Expressway on your previous visits. Well, there’s a way to break through them, and it requires the ADM and 3 Light Clay.

You can use the ADM to find items in the walls / Pokémon Unbound
You can use the ADM to find items in the walls

One way of finding Light Clay is by using the ADM’s Dig Search feature to find glowing spots in the walls where you can enter the digging minigame. However, this is time-consuming and there are better methods.

Ruins of Void lower level / Pokémon Unbound
Ruins of Void lower level

A far better option is to go to the Ruins of Void B3F, accessed by going north from the Fly point, and tracking Baltoy with the DexNav.

Use Knock Off to get Light Clay / Pokémon Unbound
Use Knock Off to get Light Clay

If you have a Pokémon in the lead of your party with Super Luck, such as an Absol caught on the exterior of Crystal Peak, you’ll be able to find more Baltoys holding Light Clay.

Then, use a move such as Knock Off – which Absol can relearn from the Move Relearner – to take the item off the Baltoy while also defeating it.

Once you have three Light Clay, you can break through a doorway. You have a high chance of finding a Carbink, but it’s not guaranteed.

The Cave of Being / Pokémon Unbound
The Cave of Being

There is a small chance of catching Diancie with this method as well.

When you go to capture it, it will Dynamax, so be prepared to Double Battle it.

Pokémon Encounter

(Lv. 70)

You will have to repeat this three times, so you’ll need a lot of Light Clay. When you have 3 Carbink, return to the Ruin Maniac and he’ll give you a Diancite.

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