Mission #039: Master Incubator
Start Location Seaport City, Breeder’s School – southeast Breeder
Unlock Requirements
Objectives Hatch 100 Pokémon Eggs
Reward Item: Magma Stone

There’s a Breeder in the Seaport City Breeder’s School who wants you to hatch as many eggs as possible. If you hatch 100 eggs he’ll give you a Magma Stone.

Starting the Mission

The Breeder’s School is west of the Seaport Marketplace in Seaport City.

The Breeder’s School / Pokémon Unbound
The Breeder’s School
The Breeder’s final challenge / Pokémon Unbound
The Breeder’s final challenge

When you complete Mission #009: Armoured Body, you’ll accept this mission by default.

How to Complete

The Pokemon Day Care will raise your Pokemon / Pokémon Unbound
The Pokemon Day Care will raise your Pokemon

As with the previous missions, breeding and hatching as many Eggs as possible is the way forward.

The Ditto you received in Mission #009: Armoured Body will be very helpful here, because you can breed any gender or species of Pokémon (that is able to be bred in the first place) using it.

Your ultimate reward / Pokémon Unbound
Your ultimate reward

When you finally manage to hatch 100 Eggs, your prize is the Magma Stone.

It not only halves Egg hatching time, but it is required to summon Heatran in Cinder Volcano.

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