Mission #041: Neighbourly Assistance
Start Location Frozen Heights, southeast house – old man inside
Unlock Requirements
  • Accepted Mission #001 from Professor Log
Objectives Bring an Antidote from the Bellin Town Mart to the old man in Frozen Heights
Reward Item: Psychic Gem or Rock Gem or Ground Gem

Your neighbour in Frozen Heights has a simple task for you – go and buy an Antidote for him at the Poke Mart in Bellin Town. If you bring it to him, he’ll give you a typed Gem matching your starter Pokémon.

Starting the Mission

Your neighbours’ house / Pokémon Unbound
Your neighbours’ house

Head to the southeast part of Frozen Heights and visit the house here with an old married couple.

A quest from your neighbour / Pokémon Unbound
A quest from your neighbour

The old man needs an Antidote from a Poke Mart, and considering there’s one in nearby Bellin Town, it should be easy for you to pick it up.

How to Complete

The Poke Mart / Pokémon Unbound
The Poke Mart

The Poke Mart is in the southeast corner of Bellin Town, and an Antidote costs P100.

Head back to Frozen Heights to finish your delivery.

The old man gives us a Gem / Pokémon Unbound
The old man gives us a Gem

When we hand over the Antidote, the old man gives us a Gem that can power up a single move. The type of the Gem depends on your starter Pokémon.

Gem Starter
Psychic Gem Beldum
Rock Gem Pupitar
Ground Gem Gible
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